ISO USA-type pancakes recipe

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When I say flat, that mean they don't raise up.

American pancakes rise. Pancakes that don't rise are crepes and aren't American pancakes.


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Sir loin of beef,
I love, love, love buckwheat pancakes. Will try your recipe soon!
Sir Loin, you took me back to a blast from the past with your Buckwheat pancake recipe. :) My family used to go camping in Yosemite in California every summer when I was a kid, we would go gather buckets of soda spring water so grandma could make her buckwheat pancakes on the camp grill. Just thought I'd share. Lovely pancakes!
I also enjoy buttermilk pancakes. My pancakes have a sweeter flavor as they don't have the sour flavor of the buttermilk, or sour milk, but rise super light, moist, and fluffy. Good buttermilk pancakes also rise super light, moist, and fluffy. I alternate, and also sometimes use whole wheat instead of all purpose white flour.

If you want to make buckwheat pancakes, simply use 2/3's what flour to 1/3 buckwheat flour. This hold true for adding any other kind of grain to quckbreads or cakes. So for my recipe, you would use the following:

Whisk together
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup buckwheat flour
3 tsp. double acting baking powder

1 large egg
3/4 cup, plus 1/8 cup milk
3 tbs. cooking oil or melted butter

Whisk all ingredients together, leaving small lumps in the batter.
Cook over medium heat until bubbles form on top and begin to pop.

Flip and cook until golden brown. serve with Maple Syruup, Buckwheat honey, or your favorite fruit jam or preserves.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
1/2 tsp. salt
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