Chef Extraordinaire
I am willing to spend $200-250 for a chef's knife as a gift for s/one very special in my life. My problem is I can't decide which knife. If s/one were to buy you a chef's knife as a gift, which from the ones listed here would you covet the most? I know, several pages to browse through, but any input/help would be appreciated.[Ljava.lang.String%3B%406d966d96&maxPrice=&showResultsPage=true&langId=-1&beginIndex=0&sType=SimpleSearch&metaData=&pageSize=24&manufacturer=&resultCatEntryType=2&catalogId=10301&pageView=imageOnly&searchTerm=chef+knife&facet=&minPrice=&categoryId=&directoryQuery=&directoryTypeDisplay=&storeId=10201
Obviously, I am also willing to spend less, but want a knife that will last this person a lifetime, be a great tool, and be a nice wedding gift.[Ljava.lang.String%3B%406d966d96&maxPrice=&showResultsPage=true&langId=-1&beginIndex=0&sType=SimpleSearch&metaData=&pageSize=24&manufacturer=&resultCatEntryType=2&catalogId=10301&pageView=imageOnly&searchTerm=chef+knife&facet=&minPrice=&categoryId=&directoryQuery=&directoryTypeDisplay=&storeId=10201
Obviously, I am also willing to spend less, but want a knife that will last this person a lifetime, be a great tool, and be a nice wedding gift.
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