ISO help on Hawaiian Sweet Bread recipe... I have questions!!

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Washing Up
Jan 20, 2008
Cicero, IL
OK, I found this recipe for Hawaiian Sweet Bread that can be done using my bread machine:
Hawaiian Sweet Bread
The questions I have are:
When it says, "Mix according to the recommendations of your bread machine", mine says water then dry ingredients then yeast. This recipe calls for several 'wet' ingredients... so should I do 'wet' then dry then yest? IE put the water eggs butter and flavorings in together, then dump the dry ingredients on top then the yeast?
Also: It says set to 'dough', does this mean it just gets mixed in the bread machine, then dumped into a bread pan and immediately baked? Or should it mix and rise then dump into a bread pan and bake? Or mix, then dump into a bread pan, then let rise?
Ahhh... too many possibilities on the last one, LOL.
When I make similar recipes, I do exactly as you described - all wet ingredients (eggs etc included), dry ingredients, then yeast.

When I do bread on the 'dough' cycle, I take it out, punch it down, place it in the pan and let it rise before baking.

Of course, it is possible I'm doing it all wrong! But my results are OK so far.

That recipe sounds really interesting - can you let us know how it turns out? :)
I will definitely let you know how it turns out. I had to do it slightly different as I don't have any all purpose flour. I had to use my 100% whole wheat flour. I think that will be OK as it isn't the whole grain flour, this stuff is just like all purpose flour just brown.
My bread machine has no 'dough' setting, only: Kneed, first rise, second rise, bake.
I was thinking Hawaiian Sweet Bread is supposed to be light so both rises would be needed?
yep do both rises Buddy. But do the 2nd rise in whatever your going to bake in.
Also the whole wheat flour is still going to suck up more water than white, even if it is the fine ground stuff.
I'd decrease the flour a little or increase water, I can't tell you by how much but check on it about halfway thru the 1st mix.
Cool, thanks guys! I ended up doing kneed then first rise in the machine, then I dumped it onto a cookie sheet thinking I would do a big round loaf, but then changed my mind and dumped it into a bread pan. Certainly helped to knock it down moving it around like that, LOL. I let it rise again then put in the oven. It turned out pretty good, but nothing like Hawaiian Sweet Bread, more like a slightly sweet whole wheat loaf. It was a lot fluffier than my previous loafs, so I really liked that, but I think I should have let it rise longer.
Since the first rise is in the machine, I don't have to time that, but how long do you guys let it rise the second time? I stopped when it started going over the top of the loaf pan, I was afraid it would 'spill' over and that was after about 15 minutes.
they say 'til doubled in size but I dont really wait that long.. a half hour or so is usually ok.
Cool, thanks! That tells me next time I make this I should separate into two loaf pans and let rise longer before baking. It made great sandwich bread and the wife said it tasted kinda like a honey wheat loaf. Weird since it had no honey in it, but it did taste great with my ham and swiss cheese sandwich.
This is what it looked like, not the prettiest loaf but it was good. But maybe from now on out you should have a snack before logging on?? LOL.


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