I was gifted a bottle of Cognac, now what?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I was gifted a bottle of Cognac, but I do not drink.
I can re-gift it, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do from a cooking aspect?
If you guys do anything with it , let me know.
Dont worry about the vegetarian thing, I just need ideas and a direction, and Ill figure out the rest.

Some recipes of bouef bourguignon use cognac.

You can substitute Bourbon, brandy, and cognac interchangeably in most recipes.

Bourbon chicken. Shrimp cognac. Lots of dessert recipes. Cognac is great for flambe.
That uses rum and banana liquor.

Cognac is great for cooking. There is flambé, of course, but it is also good for braising and sauces. I've used it in coq a vin, and to make a peppercorn sauce for steak au poivre, with great results.

My aunt used Cognac to flambé.
You could make brandy preserved prunes or fruit but if you don’t enjoy brandy you
probably won’t enjoy it.

Here is one of many basic recipes.

I was gifted a bottle of Cognac, but I do not drink.
I can re-gift it, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do from a cooking aspect?
If you guys do anything with it , let me know.
Dont worry about the vegetarian thing, I just need ideas and a direction, and Ill figure out the rest.

Cognac is great for marinades. Give it a try with steak or pork!
I think my favourite thing to use brandy for is brandied peaches, and I don't really care for brandy as a drink, only as an ingredient. I got the recipe from the 1974 edition of Joy of Cooking. It doesn't seem to be included in the 1997 edition.
The cognac I use is for cooking, and here's a tip - it comes with one of those cork tops (they may have changed it by now - it's been ages since I bought any), along with a number of French liqueurs I use, and what I do with those is put on one of those rubber Vacu-Vin tops, which are used to suck the air out, and the liquors last much longer, even when down at the bottom levels. Something to think about, when you don't use them very often.
Desserts like butterscotch pudding with some cognac, dried fruits with cognac. I remember having a wonderful grainy mustard that had cognac in it....but I cannot remember where. Perhaps Andy's hotdogs with cognac-mustard!

Not vegan, but I have had some very nice pates made with cognac.
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