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Executive Chef
Apr 1, 2013
Pittsburgh PA
Last year I posted about my Hydrangea that I've had for 5 years that never bloomed. Well, it finally got one flower on it this year! I'm so happy. It can't decide if it wants to be blue or pink!


  • Hydrangea 001.jpg
    Hydrangea 001.jpg
    97 KB · Views: 285
Last year I posted about my Hydrangea that I've had for 5 years that never bloomed. Well, it finally got one flower on it this year! I'm so happy. It can't decide if it wants to be blue or pink!

That's so beautiful....I love Hydrangeas - can't grow them here, it's too dry. Thanks for sharing!
I plant. The rest is up to God. I don't know much about plants, but I planted it when I received it as a gift, rather than just let it die.
I plant. The rest is up to God. I don't know much about plants, but I planted it when I received it as a gift, rather than just let it die.
Well, it's not quite up to God! Cultivated plants are not natural (i.e. would not grow naturally in the wild) so need our help. Specifically, to cultivate flowers, it needs an ericaceous feed.
Carol, I had a non flowering lilac bush. I got the shovel, loosened all the dirt around the base and gave it a feed of lime to sweeten the dirt along with a good drink of water. Next year I had lilacs all over that bush. :angel:
You could have more than just one flower if you wanted....see my previous post above #6

Here's my feeling about the one flower. For 4 years I had no flowers. Then this year, I did nothing different, but got a beautiful flower. It was something in nature that did this. The only thing that was different this year is that we had a lot more rain in the spring than we usually do and a much colder winter. So to me, that is what caused the flower to bloom, without any fertilizer or other treatment from me.

Addie, we have 2 lilac bushes and I wish they wouldn't bloom. I am highly allergic to them and can't sit on the back porch when they're blooming.
I'm surprised I was able to find my original post from 2015 abut my Hydrangea. In 2016, I had 1 flower once again. I'm really not into gardening. I am perfectly OK if this plant never has flowers. But this year, with no help at all from me, it has 11 flowers coming on it! I am just amazed! The only thing that was done differently was that DH stuck a piece of horseradish in the ground near the Hydrangea, and grew it, just pulling it out recently. Is this a new secret to flowering Hydrangea, ya think? LOL
About half of the flowers have bloomed so far. It's leaning toward pink, but 2 of the blooms are a purplish blue. I can't wait to see what the rest will be. When it's fully bloomed I'll take a picture and try to post it.
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