Any time ive cooked whole wheat pasta, did it the same way as other pasta. The only difference Ive found is that the consistency may be a little different . A little harder, and a little more grainy. Get the water to a boil, add the past a, and the cooking time is 10 minutes ( + or -). Usually, I start tasting it at about 7 or 8 minutes to see if its done. Some people like it firmer that others. Even though its a nonstick pasta pot, id still stir the pasta occasionally while its cooking as not to let it stick to each other or the bottom of the pot. Us a lot of water to boil it in, and add some salt to the water too. For a full box of pasta ( which is usually a pound) use about 5 quarts of water with about a tablespoon of salt in it. Once again, there are many varieties of pasta, and people have different likes and dislikes. Its not an exact science so the amount of water, salt , cooking time may vary. Tasting is really the best judgment of how much salt, how long to cook ....