Help with Chicken Noodle Soup

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Jennifer Murphy

Senior Cook
May 18, 2014
Silicon Valley, CA
When making chicken noodle soup from scratch(1), is it best to cook the noodles in a separate pot rather than adding them to the broth?

And what about the vegetables?


(1) Well, maybe not exactly from scratch. I didn't create the chicken or any of the other ingredients, or the earth where they arose, or the universe.
You can make it either way, but will need to add 1/4 - 1/3 extra cup of liquid to account for what the noodles will absorb, plus a pinch of extra salt.

The broth will get a bit cloudy if the noodles are cooked in, but you won't have an extra pan to wash.

Add the noodles in at the appropriate time for everything to be done together.
You can do both.

I prefer to cook rice noodles seperate,or actually, just soak them till pliable, then add with 1 or 2 minutes to go.

For egg noodles and 2 minute noodles, I chop and change

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