Happy Birthday Dina

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
Dina, Happy Birthday, hope it's as special as you are.



Happy Birthday Dina!!!! I hope your day is Marvelous

(and if you save Uncle Bob some cake, make sure it is a small piece!)
Happy Birthday Dina! I hope your day has been filled with wonderful people and things!
Happy Birthday!!!!! You deserve the best, so I hope that's what you get!

P.S. Click on the picture to see my birthday dance!


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Thank you all SO much for the nice birthday wishes!!! You all are wonderful friends ~ I love you! I'm sorry to respond so late. I haven't been on the boards for quite a while. My birthday was very nice. DH took me to Las Vegas for the weekend. We had a very nice lunch at Canaletto's at the Venetian. And no, I didn't have a birthday cake with ice cream, only a chocolate eclair. It was great to spend time with my hubby although I missed the kids so much. I know I won't book a vacation on my birthday without them again.
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