Guess what this is a photo of!

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  • gadget.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 196
If it is what I am thinking, my daughter has one. You hold onto it to see how long you can take an electric shock. Something like that.

I didn't think it was too fun! I dropped it like the proverbial hot potato!

What is this? I am looking not just for function but for something very specific.



  • Whatzit.jpg
    9.6 KB · Views: 95
Looks like a burner (wood, coal)

But I'm going to go with a Steam Radiator Cover, with an extension on the back.
I'll give it to phinz, since you can burn wood pellets in it, but the main thing I was going for was that it uses corn as a fuel. It can also use wheat, wood pellets, etc., but corn is the cheapest fuel that burns in it (I specifically looked for a corn-burning stove to use here). This particular model pushes into a fireplace or you can put legs on it and use it free-standing.

Give us a good one phinz!

No guesses at all? I can pretty much guarantee that most people have had exposure to, or seen, a device that serves the same purpose as this. People have been searching for a better way to do what this does for a long, long time. This one is pretty ingenious.
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