Gardening Questions

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Senior Cook
May 12, 2005
Just wanted to ask if this kind of post would be appropriate or not. Not even sure if there are many people who do stuff like this but I would consider gardening and growing of food to be very cooking related.

1: questions about gardening
2: questions about growing sprouts (not "really" gardening)
Yep! Ask your questions Mr. Dove. ( not that I'll be able to answer the gardening ones.)

This is a cooking board but, we talk about pretty much everything.
Absolutely Mr Dove. Ask away :) You can post those questions in either General Cooking Questions, Miscellaneous, Or even Vegetables and Vegetarians.
Well I grow chili peppers and do noy mind answering a question or two.
kleenex said:
Well I grow chili peppers and do noy mind answering a question or two.

We attempt a small garden every year with varying degrees of success. Last year we couldn't even get our zuchini to grow, and that's pretty bad. Just doing a small container garden this year with several varieties of tomatoes.

Generally we do best with herbs... we have a rosemary bush that keeps coming back year after year, even though when we planted the seeds it was supposed to be an annual. Nice though, as I love fresh rosemary in lots of things... :)
Hey, I asked about a boatmotor once :eek:)
I like gardening, DH is the greenthumb though, he has brought many a dead plant back to beautiful!!
I've asked many questions of this sort and have had a lot of replies (and replied to a lot) and fun with them. By the way, right now I have so much sage, tarragon, dill, mint, and lemon balm that I'm going to wind up cutting it back and throwing away the cuttings! Why is it such an all-or-nothing thing? I'll be dying for this in January!!!!!
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