Frog Legs

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BBQ Mikey

Sous Chef
May 4, 2007
I tried to find a category to put this post in, but the only one that seemed right was Miscellaneous.

When browsing the local grocer I happened upon some frog legs. These froglegs were different from any others I have seen. Previously I had only seen small frog legs, which looked like chicken wings but smaller. The ones I found today were HUGE. They looked like little people legs.

So. It got my juices flowin.

How to prepare???

Thanks in advance.
Looking forward to the answer. I have four legs waiting to be used up in my freezer.
mmmm, frog legs. I used to buy them all the time and when camping.... yep, we either gigged them or used bb guns. Same delicious taste, though my friend's little brother got the dirty work.

I used to put some flour, paprika, pepper and garlic salt in a bag. Put in the frog legs and coat, then let rest a while. Back then I used margarine, today I would try butter and oil in a fry or saute pan, so the legs were almost half covered when put in, and a few cloves of garlic. Golden brown, flip once, golden brown.
Boy I haven't seen those in ages..... all the specialty fish stores that used to carry them went out of business. Maybe I might find them at the restaurant food supply store. They will sell to the public by the case.

You will definitely love them. And I think I might have to get some for the freezer! Thanks for bring them up.
And no, they don't taste like chicken.:LOL:

But if they are overcooked, they do turn quite rubbery. Treat them like you would treat abalone.

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Please forgive me, but I just have to do this.


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Frog legs....Wow the memories! My frog gigging buddy was killed in Vietnam!
We used to gig them by the dozens! Cooking method...Salt & pepper...dust with flour...pan fry in a neutral tasting oil...Keep it simple so you can taste the delicate sweetness of the meat. Delicious.


Miss Connie...You just ain't right!!:LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL:
The local favorite oriental buffet restaurant serves them, lightly dusted and
fried with salt n pepper, with some japaleno slices thrown in. Superb!
The only time I had them was in a not so great French restaurant and, sorry Goodweed, they did taste like chicken! But this thread has reminded me that I have a can of snails I need to use...
Thanks everybody.

I still havent made em yet. Maybe over the weekend...I'll let you know how the experience turns out!
I have not had fresh, local frog legs for more than 30 years because we no longer have bullfrogs around here. I suspect pesticide use and other changes killed them all off. In the 1970s we had very good frog hunting here and our mothers would coat the frog legs with seasoned corn meal and fry them in Crisco or bacon fat. They were simply awesome. I had some at an Asian buffet a few weeks ago that were okay but didn't have the flavor I remember from nearly 40 years ago.
There are several bullfrogs in the water hazards around the Halfway House at the golf course I work at. When I would fill in down there last year, I was always walking around about once an hour checking on them. I was really wanting a frog gig, or better yet, an ultra-light rod-and-reel with a floating plastic worm. I hear catching a bullfrog on a pole is real fun!
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