Friday September 20, 2024, what did you eat?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
I've been grazing a lot this week. Tonight I stuffed myself with chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, fried okra and peppered cream gravy.


I had bought a bunch of tostadas and in one package, half of them were broken. So I made a batch of refried beans and used the broken tostadas for nachos tonight.

I must have been asleep at the switch when I put together the refried beans because I put way too much salt in them. They're still edible, but maybe tomorrow I'll add some extra water and thin them out some and hopefully, dilute some of the salt.
Seared tuna steaks, marinated in mirin, tamari, touch of sesame oil, ginger and garlic, with wasabi mashed potatoes and an Asian mixed vegetable medley.

I got a bit heavy handed with the wasabi. Added what was left in an old tube and really couldn't taste it, so opened a new tube and added a little over half of what I had already added. OMG, our sinuses are clear now! Guess the new tube was quite strong.
Yesterday was kind of a light day for me, just two meals. Unfried rice w/greens, and a small ww pasta with tomato mushrooms sauce. Watermelon in the afternoon. Not much of an appetite.
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