I have smoked paprika that isn't very smoky. . .can I smoke it to get it more smoky?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I bought a bulk (8 oz) of smoked paprika powder from a source I got from before, but this time it just isn't nearly as smoky as I'd like it (I can barely taste any smoke at all). I ordered from another source, hopefully it's better, but I was wondering. I have a smoker! Could I dump the paprika powder into a pan and like. . .smoke it on a really low temperature to get it more smokey, like if I close all but 1/8 inch of my vents on my WSM smoker? Or would the direct heat of the smoker burn it? Would I need to indirectly smoke it or something, or is this all just a pipe dream?
I don't know all the ins and outs of smoking but isn't there a cold smoking method? Someone must have some experience with cold smoking.
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