Friday dinner, January 6, 2023

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Hot Browns using the last of the smoked turkey from Thanksgiving.
Tonight for supper we had white wine & shallot sausages, fingerling potatoes, and a salad (curly lettuce, sorrel, rainbow chard, a whole bunch of scallion greens, a white carrot, and some red cabbage) with feta and homemade vinaigrette.


  • White wine & shallot sausages, fingerling potatoes, and a salad with feta and homemade vinaigr...jpg
    White wine & shallot sausages, fingerling potatoes, and a salad with feta and homemade vinaigr...jpg
    199.1 KB · Views: 16
  • White wine & shallot sausages, fingerling potatoes, and a salad with feta and homemade vinaigr...jpg
    White wine & shallot sausages, fingerling potatoes, and a salad with feta and homemade vinaigr...jpg
    164.4 KB · Views: 20
We were out and about today, and mama has been running on empty. We found a nice cozy basement burger place in Wooster OH* and had sandwiches for supper. Himself had a BBQ, bacon, and cheese burger


I had a grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread that had a grilled breast, Cheddar cheese, bacon, and apple slices. While the chips were commercially made, out of a bag, they were served warm - a nice touch!

*As an interesting aside, David Bowie's son Duncan Jones attended the College of Wooster at the same time a friend of Goober was going there. She said how nice it was that all of his schoolmates treated him like any other student. Plus, she got to meet Bowie and Iman briefly at graduation.
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We to were out and about all day yesterday.
Taking advantage of the good weather.
We kinda cheated used my app for pickup.
Had a very nice enchilada dinner with all the sides.

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