Freezing Homemade Gnocchi Question

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
We had a pretty good potato season, and Im looking for ways to store them. We dont have a cold enough space for them to store for the entire winter ( they often start sprouting after a few weeks). We have already made French fries , grated potatoes for hash browns and pierogi which are all frozen.

I will likely make gnocchi today to freeze for later use. Ive found several recipes which all mention at the end of the recipe that they can been frozen. When to freeze them has been conflicting info. Some say freeze ( and a baking pan single layer) prior to cooking. Move to a bag or container once frozen for future use. Other recipe say to freeze them after cooking ( same method as above).

My instincts feel that they should be frozen prior to being cooked. Thats what we do for pierogi and ravioli. I feel that freezing them after being cooked just adds more moisture and risking consistency issues that may happen as a result of the freezing.

Has anyone frozen homemade gnocchis and if so how have you done it ?
"My instincts feel that they should be frozen prior to being cooked. Thats what we do for pierogi and ravioli. I feel that freezing them after being cooked just adds more moisture and risking consistency issues that may happen as a result of the freezing."
You are correct. It has been a few years since I have made this but, after one mess, I always froze them uncooked.

I've frozen them, single layer then bag, before in the past, then cooked from frozen. I do have to say I always found them to not be as good after freezing, which is why I don't freeze them anymore.
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Freezing potatoes in any form makes them lose their moisture, so anything usually becomes mush and falls apart...they shrink wrap them in the stores and sell them in the pasta section so, there has got to be a reason for that..
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