Dinner tonight? Friday 06 April 2012

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I'm taking a serving of enchiladas out of the freezer and SO is having a salad in a taco shell with chicken.
I did my take on:

Steven and Chris | Arbequina Olive Bucatini

I didn't have spaghetti...didn't add chicken. I am thinking this would be nice with anchovies/paste. It is very, very good. I used 1 whole preserved lemon. No salt, but it is salty. I used parm, I didn't have the cheese used. I did have cilantro, but not as much as the recipe used. Waiting to see what the DH thinks of it. He probably won't like the olive pits...


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    April pics 004.jpg
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Haven't a clue. DH's plane gets in at 7:20 pm. We may just stop somewhere on the way home from the airport. If he's too tired, I may just heat up the leftover spaghetti.
Since it is quite a bit chillier than it was, we are going to bake the Calzones for a casual dinner and I am preparing a Minnestrone Vegetable Soup ... This afternoon, we had lunch out at a typical Apulian Trattoria ...

Off to the market to check out the shrimp and crab for "Frogmore Stew" - baguettes, and Strawberry shortcake from the bakery.
Having family over for one of 3 easter dinners. Going non traditional tonight with ribs, lemon garlic prawns, smashed baby potatoes, mushrooms, asperagus and salad with lemon blackberry cheesecake for dessert.
I am making a ginormous pot of black bean soup for the family dinner tomorrow, so I will be taste testing the soup tonight.

I will make some cornbread to go along with it.
We will be having the beef Stroganoff that I didn't have time to cook last night. Roasted vegis as a side and potatoes of some sort for DH.

I looked all over the internet for a recipe I liked for the Stroganoff, but I like best is the one in Joy of Cooking, 1975 edition.
Sloppy Joes on whole wheat buns. A handul of chips and there is vanilla ice cream and sliced strawberries for later in the evening.
FrankZ said:

Do you deliver, Frank? Looks wonderful!

Am in an extremely foul mood after doing taxes. We had scrambled eggs with bacon, asparagus and green onions. Nice and fluffy after I beat the heck out of 'em.
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