Dinner Thursday, 8-6-2015 ~ Anyone eat???

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
We dressed up leftovers tonight. I made a huge salad for myself and tossed in the older leftover chicken breast. Himself had a smaller salad, then finished up the buffalo sauced chicken legs and had fresh-nuked corn. Way too easy to call it dinner. ;)

Okay guys, it's about time someone else started these threads...
I'm too tired to start the thread... ? Today I made grilled fish tacos with mahi mahi and a marinade from Cooks Illustrated. I also made salsa with grilled tomatillos, red pepper, corn, jalapeño and lime juice, and homemade corn tortillas. That was an experience :) Topped it with shredded Monterey Jack cheese.


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We ate late tonight because of a neighbor visit. I grilled some wings that I marinated and basted with a spicy Asian sauce, and green salad for a side. Finger licking good!
But we rely on you CG;).

Let's see, that was so long ago, like three hours of dancing ago. Baked some fish smeared with butter and mayo and seasonings and started the meal with a fresh from the garden salad with my sisters' tomatoes!!!! I barely have green ones:huh:. At 7000 feet elevation, this is early for home tomatoes.
I like a good snooze sometimes after dinner. The sofa while watching a movie horizontally is just too comfy. But this is ridiulous. Walking home after a good rain at 2 in the morning. 10 minutes plus 10 minutes plus the 10 minutes it's actually Dark around the lake is the part that can be a wee bit scary. I run-waked the gauntlet so... home again home again lickety split.

So don't ask me to start a dinner thread anytime soon since apparentally I don't know under which table I park my shoes.

I got stuff to do in the a.m. so I came home. Plus, I was feeling guilty and could almost hear the little girls missing me and their own dinner. Which they took a sniff at after a leg rub greeting and right back to bed. Smart.

For us for dinner earlier, I made BLT's w/guacamole piled on the toasts and corn cobs minus the cobs after trimming, and diced watermelon. I forgot to ask where she found regulation size tomatoes since the tomaters in both our gardens are still small and green. Never minde, they were tasty and juicy.
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We were supposed to have cracked conch and coleslaw but the new puppy had a vet appointment at 9 and since it took much longer than normal (vet into office late) and I only had 15 minutes to eat before I had to go back to work plus a massive headache because I got severely annoyed, didn't feel like freezer diving for the conch. So, when Craig got home, he took out some frozen stuffed shells and frozen t. sauce to defrost enough to get into a pan, and put together a salad after we ran a quick errand to Wally World.
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I'm too tired to start the thread... ? Today I made grilled fish tacos with mahi mahi and a marinade from Cooks Illustrated. I also made salsa with grilled tomatillos, red pepper, corn, jalapeño and lime juice, and homemade corn tortillas. That was an experience :) Topped it with shredded Monterey Jack cheese.
Sounds yummy. Do tell about the "experience". ;)
It was tricky getting the thickness of the tortillas right. I have a tortilla press and it's too easy to press them too thin and then they stick. Luckily, you can just scrape them off, ball them up and try again. Then I cooked them on a cast iron griddle. Since I've never done this before, it was hard to know when they were done. They held together perfectly, though.

They had a great, corny flavor, though. I'll make them again.
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Thanks for letting us know GG. I've been thinking about trying to make corn tortillas. Good to know you can ball up the oopsies and re-shape them. It's not like stuff with gluten that can get too tough.
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