Dinner on Aug.26,'24 National Dog Day

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Wow, I have my own day? :ROFLMAO:

There is a dog living with me, but she's my mom's dog (not the dog in my Avatar). She had kibble for breakfast, a Dentastik this afternoon, and a Milk Bone a few minutes ago.

I've been grazing today. I don't have any hot dogs in the house, or I would have had one or two, with mustard and sauerkraut.

We recently watched the miniseries Lady in the Lake. In every episode, there are passing sweeps of a diner that advertises a chicken liver dinner. I started craving chicken livers. So fried chicken livers with corn on the cob and fried okra. A side of refrigerator pickles to round it all out. Of the three kittens, I only have one "country kitty" who enjoyed chicken livers AND okra (with breading removed.) :D

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No dog but we're a foster & TNR family for cats.

Royal Dorade for me and a nice piece of salmon for DH. baked in same pan with a bunch of leftover veggies - onions, baby eggplant, cut up peppers, mushrooms. Plus leftover slaw from Sunday's BBQ. Treated myself to a half a serving of quinoa too!
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