Wednesday June 19, '24 Dinner

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I think it sounds great and will have to try it, but I only usually have pickled beets on hand - even so... yummy!

What I can't wrap my head around is the fried egg. Only place a fried egg belongs (in my world) is a piece of toast with bacon/mushrooms/onions... at breakfast.

and absolutely NO to the pineapple!
I think it sounds great and will have to try it, but I only usually have pickled beets on hand - even so... yummy!

What I can't wrap my head around is the fried egg. Only place a fried egg belongs (in my world) is a piece of toast with bacon/mushrooms/onions... at breakfast.

and absolutely NO to the pineapple!

I believe the beets/beetroot on Aussie burgers are pickled.

A fried egg does sometimes show up on burger menus in the US, but it is not as common here as it is in Australia, where it seems to be pretty common. I know rascal often has a fried egg on his burgers.

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