Dinner? - Monday, October 8, 2007

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Katie H

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Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Here in the U.S. we're observing Columbus Day, which usually only means a day off for some folks and special retail "sales." No big deal for dinner. And, our Canadian friends are celebrating their Thanksgiving, so my meal of sauteed chicken livers will probably pale in comparison to the feasting they'll enjoy.

Buck will be off to a dinner meeting, which is why I'll enjoy my meal. He can't stand liver of any kind. What's everyone else doing?
took the day off .. for no real reason other than use up some of my time on the
books ... so .. smoking baby backs .. and a sausage roll (fattie )
not sure about sides .. but probably some baked beans and slaw ..
and some corn bread ..
Lunch was a salad because I had nothing else to pack, so tonight I'm having the fish & chips I was too lazy to make last night, unless I am too lazy again tonight, then I'll probably head over to Wendy's. Sooner or later I will have to make that fish & chips because the deep fryer is taking up an enormous amount of counter space!
I'm Canadian so there is plenty of leftovers: Turkey/stuffing/gravy/vegetables/salads/rolls/pumpkin pie/praline cheesecake.

Way too much leftovers. Need to learn to size down next year.:rolleyes:
We had bbq pork ribs which were cooking in bbq sauce in the crockpot all day and some pasta.
making a PA leftover fave...lamb and mushroom stew over noodles...cooked lamb (leftover) onions mushrooms bacon parsley bay leaf beer make a roux and thicken, add peas or cook em with the noodles, serve and enjoy. (you could use mushroom soup instead of the roux, but...)
I've never tried hash with pork before, but I have some pork stew meat and will make hash with that and serve it with some green beans. LOL "Serve?" I guess if you are eating alone you don't really serve it, you just throw it on the plate and eat it!

Since James is gone all week I do a little grazing during the day (been forgetting to eat half the time lately--sheesh!) but have been trying to fix a regular meal for supper. Sometimes I will just make a single serving meal, like a hamburger patty, potato, and vegetable, and other times I make a more full-size meal and have leftovers.

We are having Cajun Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, & Sour Cream, Cheddar, and Chive Biscuits :)

RLD has to work tonight so he'll be taking his in his lunchbox.
Paul HATES meatloaf... I'm making it for the second time in the 10 years we've been married. I like it so... the poor guy has to suffer through it tonight. : ) Mashed potatoes, gravy and steamed cabbage to go with.
Oh, Angie, I love fried egg sandwiches. I've never thought of "upping" it with garlic/Parm bread. Sounds wonderful. I might have to have that for breakfast tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

It's even better with a slice of Munster cheese...I'm out of it right now. Cheddar didn't do it justice. Enjoy. It's my newest obsession!
DH had shoulder surgery yesterday, so I made him a light dinner of tomato bisque and a grilled cheese sandwich with cheddar and Havarti. I had a mug of bisque and some leftover fried rice I made the other night.
Yesterday we did a side-by-side taste comparison of free-range chicken wings vs. regular supermarket Perdue chicken wings - all done on the grill. I just applied a light dry rub to everything & used the usual wing sauce just for dipping, as we wanted to taste the chicken on it's own first.

Verdict was less than I had hoped for. Taste difference was barely negligible & the free-range wings were much smaller & chewier. The only real plus to the free-range wings was that they had little to no fat - even in the skin.

But considering the tremendous price difference + how much we eat chicken, I don't think I'll be switching to local free-range on a regular basis anytime soon.
took the day off .. for no real reason other than use up some of my time on the
books ... so .. smoking baby backs .. and a sausage roll (fattie )
not sure about sides .. but probably some baked beans and slaw ..
and some corn bread ..

Kim smoked some fatties last time he fired up the smoker. We loved them. He used some from the freezer to make sausage gravy Sunday, and it was delicious!

We had baked chicken and dressing, green beans, and leftover sausage gravy and biscuits from Sunday. Slurp!
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