Creamed peas on toast

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Assistant Cook
Oct 7, 2006
Oshawa Ontario
My other half told me sometime ago about a recipe his mom made for him years ago which he really enjoyed.Now that the weather here in southern Ontario is starting to get cold,its nice to have food that sticks to the ribs!!
It is easy,and takes only about 10 minutes to make.

Creamed peas on toast
1/4 cup margarine
1/4 cup flour
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
15 oz can peas or 1.5 to 2 cups frozen peas, thawed, cooked and drained
This makes enough for 4 people

This recipe calls for peas (i thought it would be really gross,but i really enjoyed it...and have made it several times now).
You can use canned peas,or the frozen variety.
You need to make a rue,i'm not sure if thats the correct spelling,this is essentially the way the peas are creamed to stay together.
In a medium saucepan over medium low heat, melt butter; blend in flour and salt(i also do this without salt,minimal probally is better anyway). You want a smooth consistency,and using a wisk would remove lumps.
Remove the pot from the heat;then gradually add milk. Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Reduce heat and cook an additional 2 minutes, stirring frequently.Add the drained cooked peas to the sauce; heat the mixture,stir gently and reheat only until boiling again..
** Do not overcook or the peas will get mushy
Other variations:You could vary the recipe somewhat and add salmon or tuna to this recipe,or garnish with egg.
Of course tuna is the cheaper ingredient....usually less than one quarter the price of salmon.
We have served it before over just buttered toast,and it would likely be nice over a bed of rice or noodles.Enjoy!!

Anyway,we are really watching our grocery dollars,and trying to eat good nutricious food.As i have read recently so much in the news our american friends are suffering terribly in a bad economy with so much job loss and hardship.... and it is getting so hard to eat properly when there's not a lot of money.
Thanks for the idea.
I loved creamed asparagus on toast. I never thought about using peas, which are a lot less expensive.
Heck, creamed anything on toast is good!
I remember a dish my mom used to fix when dad was on strike (he was a coal miner) that she called Mimosa Eggs, which was merely creamed hard-boiled egg whites with the yolks finely crumbled over the top. (She pushed them through a sieve.) I loved it!
I think it was Katie E that gave me that recipe last year, Constance. She called them eggs goldenrod. I've got a pic of them on here somewhere from the first time I fixed them....
And that's exactly what I was going to do with this tomorrow! All this talk of creamed something on toast ;) I just happened to pick up four bunches of asparagus on sale a couple days ago and just put one bunch to good use. Topped with a little Pennzey's Spanish smoked paprika :) If I get the ambition up to hard boil some eggs today, they'll be going on the leftovers tomorrow for breakfast.


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Great idea Kawarthagal, thanks for the reminder about all those creamed ideas - they will be put to use here shortly. I'm moving in with daughter and the two grandchildren (8 & 10). She needs some help and I'll be doing the cooking for sure (I'm much better :).
I think it was Katie E that gave me that recipe last year, Constance. She called them eggs goldenrod. I've got a pic of them on here somewhere from the first time I fixed them....
And that's exactly what I was going to do with this tomorrow! All this talk of creamed something on toast ;) I just happened to pick up four bunches of asparagus on sale a couple days ago and just put one bunch to good use. Topped with a little Pennzey's Spanish smoked paprika :) If I get the ambition up to hard boil some eggs today, they'll be going on the leftovers tomorrow for breakfast.

Turns out I have a jar of Penzey's Smoked Spanish Paprika and a fresh bunch of asparagus. I would NEVER have thought of using it this way, but that's a great idea. Simple and nutritious. Thanks for the idea.
Thanks for this Kawarthagal - brings back memories of my childhood and my college days. Mom did sometimes add a can of tuna, or a can of salmon, when available ... but we had it many times with just the peas.

Mom also used to make a pot of split peas and serve them over toast or a big slab of cornbread - split in half and laid out on the plate.
I just saw this! We had the same thing growing up kawarthagal. I made a variation for dinner the other night - In a bowl from bottom to top: toasted English muffin, slice of Canadian bacon, slice of tomato, over easy egg, top everything with the creamed peas. I'm hungry for some right now!
Thanks for reminding me of a recipe I used to make years ago from an old Betty Crocker cookbook - "Cooking for Two". Similar to the above "Peas on Toast" recipe, it added a can of drained salmon, some sliced black olives, & a sprinkling of dill. Was served over toasted English Muffins. Was really quite good. And around here, canned salmon is pretty much the same price as tuna - even cheaper when it's on sale. What's more, the canned salmon here is all "wild" salmon - not farmed - & is not only better for you, but more environmentally responsible.
My mom would cream peas with diced cooked potatoes. Boy were they good. I hadn't thought about doing just peas or putting it over toast. Will have to try that sometime.
Actually, what I do, & it's much nicer than just plain toast, is to spoon dishes like this (creamed vegetables, veggies & fish, veggies & poultry, etc.) over a couple of those Pepperidge Farm puff pastry "patty shells". They last virtually forever in the freezer & you just take out & use what you need for each meal. Elevates budget-minded ingredients to new heights. :chef:
Mmm.. creamed peas on toast sounds like a great cold weather recipe. I'd mix in some crumbled bacon pieces I think. Bacon just seems to make anything better.
Mmm.. creamed peas on toast sounds like a great cold weather recipe. I'd mix in some crumbled bacon pieces I think. Bacon just seems to make anything better.

Great idea, mr. M! Peas and bacon - a delicious combination!

You will fit right in with all the bacon-ophiles here (including me!) :)

I forgot all about this dish!

Another one is the same method, but as Chipped Beef. My nana made it for me growing up, and my mother and aunts when they were young too.

Sautee shredded lunch meat (Budding brand works best, Beef or Turkey or Chicken, whichever) in butter, add your milk and flour and salt and pepper to taste. Serve over bread/toast.
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