Anti-Aging Nutrition Food

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Assistant Cook
Jan 28, 2010
As we know, people will get older as well as the body system will get malfunction when aged. Many symptoms like weaker eye sight, get tired easily, thinking process slower, bad memories and a lot more. So in order for us to prolong or avoid into these bad experience, we should start to do something when we are still young by cultivating some good eating habits and exercises.

Here is more about some handy easy to get foods that will help a lot in reducing the percentage of old age memory syndrome.

1. Spinach
Spinach is superb in antioxidant, able to help in reducing the slow and weak learning capability, the damage of central nervous system. The rich vitamin C and vitamin E in spinach is the source for antioxidant that help in this particular case.

2. Salmon
Some medical study said for people who have salmon or sardine once a week, the percentage of getting dementia at old age is much lesser compare to people seldom take fish. By eating fish, it also help to keep you brain cell more active, hence increase the capability of learning and stronger memory power.

3. Grape Juice or Red Wine
Grape juice has the effect of longevity. Appropriate of red wine consuming will have similar effect, but if over consumption, it will palsy our nervous system. So you have drink it moderately. Grape juice or wine contains very high antioxidant elements that is much higher than any fruits and vegetables, it helps a lot in smoothing and increase the transmission capability in our nervous system. Other than it helps in anti-aging, in short term it also helps in having better memory power.

4. Hot Chocolate
It is very good for brain also. The density of antioxidant element in 2 table spoon of chocolate powder has more than 2 times what red wine has, and it 3-4 times more than antioxidant in green tea. So drinking hot chocolate frequently helps in maintaining healthy brain cell, preventing neurological problems.

5. Whole Wheat Product and Brown Rice
Whole wheat products and brown rice is the best sauce of food in helping our body in more efficiently absorbing nutrition. Brown rice itself already has many types of vitamins and minerals that really aid our brain power in term of learning capability and memory.

6. Almond and Walnut
Most of the time almond and walnut serves as stacks and decoration on cakes, it is not only delicious but also very good in antioxidant. They have very rich omega-3 fatty acid that really good for our brain. As according to Chinese saying, walnut is good for brain.

7. Olive Oil
It has a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, prevent artery from being hardening. So it is better to use olive oil for cooking.

8. Garlic
Our brain food is come from glucose, in order to get glucose to fully shown its effect, there need enough proportional of vitamin B1. Garlic is not rich in vitamin B1, but it is able to enhance the vitamin B1 capability. The garlic anime has the strong effect in converting the right glucose and hence our brain will have enough food.

9. Blue Berry
Wild blue berry has extremely high antioxidant that can clean up the dirt inside the body. Continuous in consuming wild blue berry, it helps a lot in brain cell regenerating, improve memory power, reducing high blood pressure symptoms and reduce the percentage of getting stroke.

This fruit, which is usually eaten as a vegetable, is a good source of healthy monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of cholesterol in body. Avocado is a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy skin and prevent skin aging (vitamin E may also help alleviate menopausal hot flushes). It is rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high blood pressure.
7 anti-aging super foods

Read on to find out more about the 7 foods to keep you young:


The Kuna people of the San Blas islands, off the coast of Panama, have a rate of heart disease that is nine times less than that of mainland Panamanians. The reason? The Kuna drink plenty of a beverage made with generous proportions of cocoa, which is unusually rich in flavanols that help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels. Maintaining youthful blood vessels lowers risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.
Get sweet satisfaction in seconds with delicious chocolate recipes, such as Chocolate & Nut Butter Bites (which include two of the 7 anti-aging super foods!):
Chocolate & Nut Butter Bites
8 1/4-ounce squares of bittersweet chocolate
4 teaspoons almond, cashew or pistachio butter
Top each chocolate square with 1/2 teaspoon nut butter of your choice (almond, cashew, pistachio). Two sandwiches make one serving.
Per serving: 79 calories; 6 g fat (2 g sat, 1 g mono); 0 mg cholesterol; 9 g carbohydrate; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber; 12 mg sodium; 20 mg potassium. What you get: Magnesium, copper, chromium. 1/2 Carbohydrate Serving. Exchanges: 1/2 other carbohydrate, 1 fat.


In a landmark study published in 1999, researchers at Tufts University’s Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging fed rats blueberry extract for a period of time that in “rat lives” is equivalent to 10 human years. These rats outperformed rats fed regular chow on tests of balance and coordination when they reached old age. Compounds in blueberries (and other berries) mitigate inflammation and oxidative damage, which are associated with age-related deficits in memory and motor function. Eat more blueberries with healthy blueberry recipes.


Thirty years ago, researchers began to study why the native Inuits of Alaska were remarkably free of heart disease. The reason, scientists now think, is the extraordinary amount of fish they consume. Fish is an abundant source of omega-3 fats, which help prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries and protect against abnormal heart rhythms. Eat some tonight with a healthy fish recipe.


Studies of Seventh-Day Adventists (a religious denomination that emphasizes healthy living and a vegetarian diet) show that those who eat nuts gain, on average, an extra two and a half years. Nuts are rich sources of unsaturated fats, so they offer benefits similar to those associated with olive oil. They’re also concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals, including antioxidants.


Drinking alcohol in moderation protects against heart disease, diabetes and age-related memory loss. Any kind of alcoholic beverage seems to provide such benefits, but red wine has been the focus of much of the research. Red wine contains resveratrol, a compound that likely contributes to its benefits-and, according to animal studies, may activate genes that slow cellular aging.


Olive Oil
Four decades ago, researchers from the Seven Countries Study concluded that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil were largely responsible for the low rates of heart disease and cancer on the Greek island of Crete. Now we know that olive oil also contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that may help prevent age-related diseases.


In the 1970s, Soviet Georgia was rumored to have more centenarians per capita than any other country. Reports at the time claimed that the secret of their long lives was yogurt, a food ubiquitous in their diets. While the age-defying powers of yogurt never have been proved directly, yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps stave off osteoporosis and contains “good bacteria” that help maintain gut health and diminish the incidence of age-related intestinal illness.

By Michelle Edelbaum

Michelle is the associate editor of interactive for EatingWell Media Group. In between editing and writing, she enjoys sampling the tasty results of the easy, healthy recipes that the EatingWell Test Kitchen cooks are working on.
ok, so, i'm seeing two dishes with all of the info.

some sort of alio olio sauteed salmon, maybe nut crusted, with a whole wheat shell macaroni in spinach tomato sauce.

or whole fish stuffed with almonds and brasil nuts and bitter greens, steamed in wine and herbs, drizzled with a spicy chocolate mole, served with brown rice and guacamole.

and frozen blueberry yogurt for dessert.

alright, that's 3.
ok, so, i'm seeing two dishes with all of the info.

some sort of alio olio sauteed salmon, maybe nut crusted, with a whole wheat shell macaroni in spinach tomato sauce.

or whole fish stuffed with almonds and brasil nuts and bitter greens, steamed in wine and herbs, drizzled with a spicy chocolate mole, served with brown rice and guacamole.

and frozen blueberry yogurt for dessert.

alright, that's 3.

Now Bucky, how could you forget the red wine and chocolate... That makes four!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Pomegranates supposedly have some amazing health benefits as well, including delaying signs of aging on skin. It reportedly helps to slow the breakdown of collagen and is being incorporated into several brands of skin care products.
Should we take vitamin every day? I take GNC women's ultra mega every day now, is this really help??? I'm 35, I would like to know what are the best Antioxidant Foods?
No Alzheimer's in Greece? Where did you hear that? I'd like to see your documents that support that claim.
Right now, in another browser window, I have been reading a report on attitudes concerning Alzheimer's... in Greece. also reading about the Greek Alzheimer's Association, and care of those with Alzheimer's in Greece...
One needs to be careful with what information one wants to toss about on a forum.
Here's the link where I read about the Alzeimers:

Dr Oz 5 Superfoods To Eat Now In 2010

4. Greek Greens – Mustard Greens - “The Blue Zone” In Icaria, Greece, 1 in 3 people lives to the age of 90. There are no reported cases of Alzheimer’s disease in Icaria, Greece. Mustard greens are high in vitamin K (most Americans are deficient in this nutrient), the spicy greens are good for your blood and bone strength. The Icarians boil mustard greens and then toss with a little virgin olive oil and lemon.
Icaria, Greece

The population is close to 10,000. A small island surrounded by other islands in the same climate with similar genetic subjects. I think that sounds like a recipe for a decent clinical study that should cause some to sit up and take notice. Heck, I've seen very shady scientific studies with much less data have substantial press and governments standing up and saluting them. I would be very interested in seeing what makes this island different than the others.

Thanks for sharing it, MollyAnne!
fine. but still, not "Greece." An isolated part of Greece, yes. An interesting study, yes.
Icaria, Greece

Definitely interesting. I think we should take this thread a step further and go on Blue Zone field trips. MollyAnne and I will go to Icaria, soak up the local flavor. I could deal with a plate of greens after the first plate of legumes while sipping a glass of wine on the beach and being fanned by Alexandros the cabana boy. All in the name of science...of course. :rolleyes:

MollyAnne, bring the dark chocolate for our post Greek island water swim. Chocolate with a bit of sea salt is yummy! ;)

Where will the rest of you go for your anti-aging field trip that includes awesome anti-aging food?

...maybe CabanaBoy can give us an olive oil massage while we're on this Greek Isle...there's more than one way to get that anti-aging olive oil in our system ;). I'm packing extra for us since we're going to live to be centenarians there!


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Should we take vitamin every day? I take GNC women's ultra mega every day now, is this really help??? I'm 35, I would like to know what are the best Antioxidant Foods?

I went to a dietitian who recommended most of the foods you mentioned as being antioxidant and healthy. For fish, she said that tuna was another good source. She cautioned me to be sure to take in some protein when I had carbs (for my diabetes) and to eat whole fruits and what have you to increase the fiber in my system.

Most studies and journals that I've seen, including the Journal of American Medical Association, recommend taking a good multi-vitamin to help prevent cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Some will also recommend that younger women (of child-bearing age) consider adding foliate and persons over 50 adding B12 and Vitamin D.

There was a study out of the University of Pittsburgh a few years back that claimed a correlation between lower blood levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and people's tendency to behave impulsively, to have a more negative outlook, and to have symptoms of depression.

And then there is the more recent study that says eggs are not so bad for us and are even quite beneficial....but this one is still controversial. (I love eggs, so I'm going to throw my towel in the "eggs are actually good for us" camp and I have medical studies that show it is true! :rolleyes:)

I think you are likely doing what you should do to take care of yourself. Eating a variety of healthy foods, exercising, etc. Studies also show that people with close connections and happy relationships live longer and are more healthy.

The best advice my dietitian gave me was to limit the amount of processed foods and meats that I ate and to eat something of each of the color wheel regarding fruits and veggies each day. (Purple/Blue, Red/Orange, Orange/Yellow, Green, and White/Brown.) It gets in the recommended five servings of fruits/veggies a day and I will say that I feel I have more energy for it. I do believe that forcing myself to get in all five colors of fruits/veggies has helped me feel more full, etc. too.

Today for lunch, I had leftovers from last night's dinner: a piece of sauted chicken with some Barilla thin spaghetti with fiber tossed with cherry tomatoes, garlic, onions and fresh basil. I used olive oil to cook it. The chicken had a squeeze of lemon on it. It had about 1/2 cup of cherry tomato halves and I had a cup of blueberries. To me, I counted it as a serving of red and two of purple/blue. Now I know I need to add something yellow, green and brown at some point in the day. For a snack, a banana and walnuts is pretty yummy. :) As for things to make me happy, I'm going to pretend that MollyAnne and my field trip to the Greek island is happening today while I eat a few olives. :cool:

Sorry for the long ramble, but I wanted to give my two cents. I'm no expert but have been forced to keep up with health news. Plus, a lot of it is simply interesting to me.

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