Anti-Aging Nutrition Food

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
i saw a show about that area of greece and they said it was only partly due to their diet, which consisted mostly of locally grown veggies and raw goat's milk.

equaly or possibly more importantly, they conveyed the fact that most people walk everywhere instead of driving, and have very simple lives with little stress.
How can you tell if anti-aging foods are working?
Interesting question, Andy (it seems it got lost in the scuffle). And if these foods add 10 years to our lives at the end who wants that? :LOL:
Too bad the years can't be added on in the beginning when everyone wants to rock us, read us bedtime stories, and feed us milk and cookies.

And, buckytom, that makes perfect sense. Meanwhile, pack your bags and join kathleenA and I in the BlueZone of Greece! And don't forget your sunglasses because you'll be spending lots of time on those white sand beaches and cliffside cafe's while Ariana, a healthy "greek goddess", serves you a Greek wine called "Nectar of the God" (i'm not making up that wine :) ) and plenty of tasty Greek greens in olive oil.
You certainly know how to impress the ladies, buckytom...


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As far as I know, there is only one cure for aging ... hmmm. If you aren't getting older, then, well, you're ..... 6 feet under. Eating healthy makes you feel better, but next year you are still another year older!
What's with all of this laying in the hot sun eating Greek foods stuff? I'd much rather be enjoying the pristine waters of anywhere with pristine waters, swimming, scuba, water skiing, etc. Then when the paytime is over, it's time for the great, healthy, and delicious food, the back rubs, sitting cozy by the fire with that someone special (DW:D), and enjoying some hot cocoa, with a bit of cinamon and cayenne pepper. I odn't know if Greece has blueberries or not. We'll just have to import the little wonder berries from Michigan's Upper Peninsula and have blueberry rich deserts to complete our meals.

And the fish has to be cooked either over, or beside a smokey fire, and served as perfectly cooked fillets with a bit of sea salt. I'm thinking fresh tuna or salmon would be great.

Now who's bringing the music, and it better not be that Margaritaville song.:ROFLMAO:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
What's with all of this laying in the hot sun eating Greek foods stuff? I'd much rather be enjoying the pristine waters of anywhere with pristine waters, swimming, scuba, water skiing, etc. Then when the paytime is over, it's time for the great, healthy, and delicious food, the back rubs, sitting cozy by the fire with that someone special (DW:D), and enjoying some hot cocoa, with a bit of cinamon and cayenne pepper. I odn't know if Greece has blueberries or not. We'll just have to import the little wonder berries from Michigan's Upper Peninsula and have blueberry rich deserts to complete our meals.

And the fish has to be cooked either over, or beside a smokey fire, and served as perfectly cooked fillets with a bit of sea salt. I'm thinking fresh tuna or salmon would be great.

Now who's bringing the music, and it better not be that Margaritaville song.:ROFLMAO:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

Greece has pristine waters and it's sunny and warm there. In addition to the fish cooked over open fires, there's souvlaki, shish kebab, dolmades, spanakopita and ouzo!
Greece has pristine waters and it's sunny and warm there. In addition to the fish cooked over open fires, there's souvlaki, shish kebab, dolmades, spanakopita and ouzo!

I'm up for all of that except the ouzo and lying around on the beach. I never could handle just lying in the sun. I've got to be doing something.;)

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
What's with all of this laying in the hot sun eating Greek foods stuff? I'd much rather be enjoying the pristine waters of anywhere with pristine waters, swimming, scuba, water skiing, etc. Then when the paytime is over, it's time for the great, healthy, and delicious food, the back rubs, sitting cozy by the fire with that someone special (DW:D), and enjoying some hot cocoa, with a bit of cinamon and cayenne pepper. I odn't know if Greece has blueberries or not. We'll just have to import the little wonder berries from Michigan's Upper Peninsula and have blueberry rich deserts to complete our meals.

And the fish has to be cooked either over, or beside a smokey fire, and served as perfectly cooked fillets with a bit of sea salt. I'm thinking fresh tuna or salmon would be great.

Now who's bringing the music, and it better not be that Margaritaville song.:ROFLMAO:

Seeeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

If they don't have blueberries, which I confess that I do love, they definitely have awesome fresh figs. MollyAnn and I will splash in the water between times for sunscreen re-application. As for music? We can watch you ski and hum WIPEOUT!" ;)

Greece has pristine waters and it's sunny and warm there. In addition to the fish cooked over open fires, there's souvlaki, shish kebab, dolmades, spanakopita and ouzo!

Andy, you are totally welcome to join us in the BlueZone!

I'm up for all of that except the ouzo and lying around on the beach. I never could handle just lying in the sun. I've got to be doing something.;)

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North

Yes, yes, but remember: We are doing this for science. :rolleyes:

Sleeping and dreaming about all those other things I listed. That's doing something.

Andy, you and yours are definitely invited to join us in the BlueZone!

It's rather hot in Greece at the moment. This is current for Athens:

Athens, Greece Forecast : Weather Underground

Phaedra, that is why we will have Alexandros, the cabana boy, and a cabana. Alexandros can re-ice the drinks while we bask in our healthy lifestyle. Remember, it is for science. :LOL:

Anti-aging foods include both exotic foods and everyday foods. Nutrition for aging is tricky, need to make sure you get the right kinds of nutrients without eating foods that will lead to problems in the long term (problems like diabetes).
The best, and basically only, "diet" - and by diet I mean the food that we eat, not any specific "diet" for any weight loss or medical reason, is simple.

A balanced diet contains the appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats and sugars, without the addition of things of no nutritional value, and without eating more calories than are expended/necessary for health and weight, is all that is necessary to keep healthy.

Trying to turn back the clock by eating so-called "anti-aging" or other such promoted food, just won't work if you've been eating incorrectly for most of your life.

All the "this fruit/vegetable/drink/whatever" that is the current "in" thing, purported to be anti-aging etc have no more benefit than other fruit/vegetable/drink/whatever that is in a normal balanced diet.

Just makes money for the producers and promoters of such products.

Let's face it. We are born. We live. And we die. And no amount of special anti-aging foodstuff is going to make us live longer than out allotted span. Nor will they halt the aging process of life.

Of course I am not including special needs of diabetics and other medical sufferers who need specific diets. Such diets are to keep them alive, not keep them from aging.
Trying to turn back the clock by eating so-called "anti-aging" or other such promoted food...
All the "this fruit/vegetable/drink/whatever" that is the current "in" thing, purported to be anti-aging etc have no more benefit than other fruit/vegetable/drink/whatever that is in a normal balanced diet.

Just makes money for the producers and promoters of such products....
Thankfully, no one in this entire thread has mentioned any "moneymaking anti-aging promoted food products". Everything mentioned so far has been natural whole foods oriented suggestions.

"Isn't that right, Alexandros? Be a love and rub olive oil right here...yes, right don't stop waving the palm frawn over us...I know you Greeks can multi-task (don't ask me how I know that :-p ).

GoodWeedoftheNorth...I promise not to play any music from Margaritaville ;) . How about a real live barefoot strolling beach musician...Robert, did you bring your violin?

TexasBirdGirl, you're a pilot, did you fly in some of those Michigan blueberries for us? When we've had our fill of this heavenly Greek Isle could you fly us all to our next Blue Zone. I caught Kathleen shmoozing with our travelguide to get some ideas for us on our next BlueZone excursion...kathleen?, I know you're focused, in the name of science of course, on being hand fed some of those "dark chocolates with a bit of sea salt"...but pleeeze pay attention...and can't you share?...move over... :LOL:

And BuckyTom invited us all over to his cabana tomorrow night for the best of beach dining on "whole fish stuffed with almonds and brasil nuts and bitter greens, steamed in wine (the Greek wine called "Fruit of the Gods") and herbs, drizzled with a spicy chocolate mole...and frozen blueberry Greek Yogurt for dessert.".
..and garnished with justplainbill's Aronia Berries

Gator's will be serving us his special Pomegranate cocktails. And elaine, mimiz, and cooklikejulia have a special fresh local Greek Icarian dish planned for us all. And Claire, thank you for that laugh...laughter is another anti-aging wonder.

I can smell the aroma of the open-fire fish cooking on the beach and Andy's shish-kabobs too...while dipping my toes in these crystal clear azure waters....awww, the life of octogenarians-to-be :wub:
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Trying to turn back the clock by eating so-called "anti-aging" or other such promoted food, just won't work if you've been eating incorrectly for most of your life.

Let's face it. We are born. We live. And we die. And no amount of special anti-aging foodstuff is going to make us live longer than out allotted span. Nor will they halt the aging process of life.

Phaedra, you are being logical and such. MollyAnne and I are embarking on pulp-science. Now pack your bag and join us in the Blue Zone while Alexandros massages away the years. :LOL:

Okay i'm in the Blue Zone with Kathleen and Mollyanne, and i've written a poem:

Alexandros, Alexandros where for art thou,
my poor aging body needs you right now,

So bring the blueberries, cranberries, and green tea,
but more important put your big greek anti aging hands all over me...

Pretty good huh!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
See you girls in the cabana... I'll bring the wine and stuffed grape leaves...

Okay i'm in the Blue Zone with Kathleen and Mollyanne, and i've written a poem:

Alexandros, Alexandros where for art thou,
my poor aging body needs you right now,

So bring the blueberries, cranberries, and green tea,
but more important put your big greek anti aging hands all over me...

Pretty good huh!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
See you girls in the cabana... I'll bring the wine and stuffed grape leaves...


*clinks glasses with MollyAnne and says to Mimi* You're doing it right! You can hang with us. :LOL:
hahahaha, the poem...whisper that in alexandros' ear and your sure to get at least your blueberries, cranberries, and green tea.

I brought this bikini from home(below)...well I couldn't leave my beloved goldfish at home to fend for themselves could I? But I had no idea the Greek men here are so intrigued with aquarium fish...and they're so sweet to offer to take care of them for me...but I think I need to get a new bikini... lets all do shopping and lunch in the charming little mountain village of Cristos Raches!!(below) One reason the Icarians live to be over 100 is because most live in remote mountain villages and walk we HAVE to do this! Then we can soak in the Hot Springs of Therma! Wait, that's clear on the other end of the island...and we're walking...oh well, it's a small island...we can do it!

I'm in search of Black Wine grown in local vineyards here. Maybe we'll have some for lunch in Cristos Raches. I thought black grapes were called raisins :LOL:.



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