Air Fryer Lid for PC

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Master Chef
Aug 20, 2021
Somewhere in the PNW
Zavor sent an email today saying their Air Fryer Lid for the Pressure Cooker is now available. I've not purchased an Air Fryer, as I just didn't want one more appliance to find room to store.

Does anyone use an Air Fryer lid to convert another appliance into an Air Fryer? If so, will you share you experience, please? Good, bad or otherwise.

My Carl Schmidt Sohn , comes with 2 lids, air fryer & pressure lids.

Thanks S&P. I wonder if the more "oven" type thing might be better suited to the task?

Maybe someone that has a different contraption will chime in.
I have an air fryer. It says power air fryer on top. I've had it around 4 years. It was a gift. Like all kitchen gadgets there's the pros & cons. The cookbook that came with it is worthless. The workmanship is cruel. The basket is 6" and no pan will fit inside because most pans are 8". The paint finish on the basket washed off or cooked off.

Why is this goofy thing taking space on my counter. It works like a broiler. It does have temp control and a timer. Cooks good pot pies. I always make a non-stick alum insert to cook my food on.

You must unplug this device after use because it builds up a surplus of electricity (most of these gadgets do).
I have an air fryer. It says power air fryer on top. I've had it around 4 years. It was a gift. Like all kitchen gadgets there's the pros & cons. The cookbook that came with it is worthless. The workmanship is cruel. The basket is 6" and no pan will fit inside because most pans are 8". The paint finish on the basket washed off or cooked off.

Why is this goofy thing taking space on my counter. It works like a broiler. It does have temp control and a timer. Cooks good pot pies. I always make a non-stick alum insert to cook my food on.

You must unplug this device after use because it builds up a surplus of electricity (most of these gadgets do).

Thanks, cookiecrafter! I generally unplug kitchen gadgets, even if they stay on the counter. The coffee machine and microwave are the only exceptions. Habit.
I have an Instant Pot that pressure cooks, it doesn't air fry. I use it when I am in a hurry, such as cooking dried pintos. It will cook them in 3 hours, no soaking required. I use it a lot in Fall and winter when I make a lot of soups.

For air frying I have an Emeril LaGasbag 360 air fryer oven. It also toasts bread, it toasts bagels, it roasts, it bakes, it broils, it makes pizza, it slow cooks, it dehydrates, and it rotisseries (is that a word?). I got it for around half retail at a furniture and appliance auction, so it is worth what I paid for it. I still have an oil filled deep fryer for things that are supposed to be a bit greasy, like French fries and onion rings, and things that might lose their coating if you try to air fry them, like battered fish filets and Monte Cristos.
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I have an Instant Pot that pressure cooks, it doesn't air fry. I use it when I am in a hurry, such as cooking dried pintos. It will cook them in 3 hours, no soaking required. I use it a lot in Fall and winter when I make a lot of soups.

For air frying I have an Emeril LaGasbag 360 air fryer oven. It also toasts bread, it toasts bagels, it roasts, it bakes, it broils, it makes pizza, it slow cooks, it dehydrates, and it rotisseries (is that a word?). I got it for around half retail at a furniture and appliance auction, so it is worth what I paid for it. I still have an oil filled deep fryer for things that are supposed to be a bit greasy, like French fries and onion rings, and things that might lose their coating if you try to air fry them, like battered fish filets and Monte Cristos.

Thanks & interesting. I can do pintos in the same amount of time, regular stove top. It is my go-to Spicy Pinto Beans recipe. Also, no soaking.

I'm kind of leaning towards a Emeril air fyer. IF I can find the space to keep it. While visiting friends yesterday, I noticed a new addition to their kitchen, a Ninja Oven-type Air Fryer. She loves it and says she uses it instead of her regular oven, for most things.

When we get home, I'll do some measuring to see if there's a spot for one.
Some times you have to compromise. When I got the deepfryer I figured I would b using it a lot more than I would the popcorn popper, so I put the popper inside a cupboard.
We have the stand alone Cosori.

I prefer it to the basket/oven types. Less mess and it takes up less space. The Cosori in particular holds a lot of food.
I ended up choosing the oven type and order an Emeril product from Amazon. Just got an email that it is on the truck for delivery today! I've shuffled things around on the kitchen counter and expect to be able to keep it there. We'll see what I think...and DH's thoughts too...when it arrives.

In anticipation, I bought a bag of frozen fries at the market. That will likely be my first test for the new oven! The oven has a rotisserie too, so I may try a whole chicken after the fries test.

Hmmmm...probably should start marinating that chicken....
The oven has a rotisserie too, so I may try a whole chicken after the fries test.
I discovered that you can buy a rotisserie chicken at the supermarket for less than a raw whole chicken. I have rotisseried a couple of pork loin roasts in mine and they came out exceptionally well. I have also done rock cornish game hens and they came out great too. Just be sure to tie up the legs and wings so they don't flop around at every rotation. Oh, and watch the time because, in my experience, things cook faster than the recipes say. Use an instant read thermometer.
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I discovered that you can buy a rotisserie chicken at the supermarket for less than a raw whole chicken. I have rotisseried a couple of pork loin roasts in mine and they came out exceptionally well. Just watch the time because, in my experience, they cook faster than the recipe says. Use an instant read thermometer.

Thank you & agreed on the pricing too. That said, you can't buy MY rotisserie chicken at the market!
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