3 Kittens for my birthday! Pics....!

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Head Chef
Mar 11, 2008
Kingston, Ontario
Nick surprised me with "Let's go get a kitty!" Well, we ended up with 3, for my 24th birthday. We named them as follows...

Kass - Because he is a kiss.. well.

Leo - after Leonidas

Ria - subject to change, because of his diarrhea when we got him. LOL. That is definately subject to change though.


  • Kass, Leo, Nick.jpg
    Kass, Leo, Nick.jpg
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  • Kass enjoying the sun.jpg
    Kass enjoying the sun.jpg
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  • Leo.jpg
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  • Ria enjoying the sun.jpg
    Ria enjoying the sun.jpg
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They are definately enjoying their new home! Leo is the most active of the bunch right now (the other two have a cold) and he is just all over us - he insists on dozing off in the crook of our necks, rubbing his face against our noses, pawing our faces....

And yes, it IS hard to tell them apart.. we have them figured out personality wise, but it's like triplets who try and fool their parents into thinking they are someone else...
Happy late birthday! Your kitties are darling - I got a little kitten on my birthday also. She is growing like a weed and is adorable. Nothing like a kitty to put a sweet face on life!
Adorable! Remind me of a tabby I had once - George - may you enjoy them as much as I did him! He was the most loving cat I've ever known!
I love kitties!!!!! Enjoy the time when they are little it is sooo much fun!
Happy birthday and may you be blessed with a happy, healthy and prosperous year!
Pie Susan
They will be spayed and neutured at 6 months. They are only 4 months right now.

Well, one of them is perfectly healthy and jumping everywhere. The other two developed an upper respiratory virus, so I am having to nurse them back to health slowly... force feed every 2 hours, meds every 12, nutritional supplements every 8, put them in a steamy room as many times a day as i can because one is so congested he is wheezing out his mouth, poor little guy :( That's Ria :(

Anyone have any other advice for what I can do to ease my trio's pain ?

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