I pressure canned tomatoes yesterday and worried about one of my sealed cans. I always know that my lid is going to have a solid seal if I take it out of the pressure canner and the contents inside the can is bubbling (and all the tomatoes are sitting up to the top of the can and the liquid at the bottom). All cans yesterday were "bubbling" except for one. The cans that were filled with bubbling tomatoes and tomatoes sucked up to the top of the can sealed pretty quickly after removing from the canner. Except, I had one can that was not bubbling and the tomatoes were all sitting at the bottom of the can. I thought, well, I guess I lost one.....But, to my surprise, sometime within the hour that can actually sealed.....Does that mean it properly sealed? Do the contents have to be bubbling and have the tomatoes sucked up to the top of the can to be properly sealed...I've never read that was a "thing" in's always just been my observance.
Thank you!
Thank you!