What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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History records is 126 mm (5 inches) amount listed for the flash flood in Toronto in July of 2013.
But weirdly enough I can't find an official count for this weeks storm. Supposedly it was 3 separate storms hitting, within 3 hours, barely a pause between. At one point 30 mm (approx +1 inches) dropped within 30 minutes, something they say is only usually seen in a hurricane.
There's more but too many unco-ordinated reports for me to co-ordinate! LOL

I'm sure Texas has had more than its fair share of flash floods. Looks like it's our turn. FYI - did you know that Ontario is 1.55 times larger than Texas? :mrgreen:
Not nearly as hot today, but you can just about drink the air. The high was only 85F, but it was muggy. We did get some much needed rain, but not enough of it. This time of year, we take what we can get.

Well that is casey, but that's the accumulation of the flooding running amok.

Edit: bring a couple of jugs up here casey, we can let you have some... and free I'd wager too!
That's true taxy, but there are several pictures that show that the rivers/lake has risen, overflowed their banks and climbed up to the roads.
History records is 126 mm (5 inches) amount listed for the flash flood in Toronto in July of 2013.
But weirdly enough I can't find an official count for this weeks storm. Supposedly it was 3 separate storms hitting, within 3 hours, barely a pause between. At one point 30 mm (approx +1 inches) dropped within 30 minutes, something they say is only usually seen in a hurricane.
There's more but too many unco-ordinated reports for me to co-ordinate! LOL

I'm sure Texas has had more than its fair share of flash floods. Looks like it's our turn. FYI - did you know that Ontario is 1.55 times larger than Texas? :mrgreen:

Hurricane Harvey dropped 60 inches (1,540 MM) on Houston. I hope everybody is okay up there. Stay at home if you can.

Woof! Where did all that water go? What was the time frame of the fall?
One of the reasons this rain caused so much flooding, was not only the speed with which it fell, but Toronto is just not the same anymore. There are loss of green spaces with more buildings, so systems (that even with the record break) in 2013 and yes there were massive floods, the floods this time were a bit worse as the water couldn't get away fast enough.

casey, isn't a hurricane also defined by the devastating wind? This rain, or at least what I saw out my window, came straight down.
Woof! Where did all that water go? What was the time frame of the fall?
One of the reasons this rain caused so much flooding, was not only the speed with which it fell, but Toronto is just not the same anymore. There are loss of green spaces with more buildings, so systems (that even with the record break) in 2013 and yes there were massive floods, the floods this time were a bit worse as the water couldn't get away fast enough.

casey, isn't a hurricane also defined by the devastating wind? This rain, or at least what I saw out my window, came straight down.

Hurricanes do two bad things, drop massive amounts of rain (the worse thing), and kick up very high winds. Harvey was a Cat4, so it had winds in Houston over 100MPH/62KPH. Beryl, a few weeks ago was a Cat1, and moved through fast. Houston got around eight inches of rain, and 50-60MPH winds.

In hurricane prone areas of the US, you actually have to buy two kinds of home insurance, the normal one, and US Government backed flood insurance. Your regular insurance company will not pay for flood damage. It is a dance you have to do when a hurricane hits -- you get one check for wind damage, and another one for flood, and the two insurance entities fight it out on which one is paying for what.

In most newer areas of Texas, we have our storm drain system tied to retention ponds, to make up for the amount of land covered by concrete, in the form of roads and homes and such. These retention ponds are usually empty, but if there is a massive rainstorm, they fill up to allow the storm drain system to catch up. There is one across the street from my house. When empty, it is a dog park.

Well, with Global Warming and more massive and violent storms predicted for the future, Toronto is getting hit with all the "Why wasn't something more done after that storm in 2013" questions. Even that will probably die down once everyone has recovered from this - until the next one hits. I guess eventually they will slowly start to find the money to fix emergency ... drains?...
Well, with Global Warming and more massive and violent storms predicted for the future, Toronto is getting hit with all the "Why wasn't something more done after that storm in 2013" questions. Even that will probably die down once everyone has recovered from this - until the next one hits. I guess eventually they will slowly start to find the money to fix emergency ... drains?...

That's not just a Canada thing. Every time a disaster hits here, everyone demands action... until they forget about the disaster and go back to watching whatever TV show is hot right now. It seems to be human nature.

That, and when someone does propose a plan to fix anything, people look at the price tag, and say, "Whoa... you want to raise my Taxes?" People want problems solved, but only if it is paid for from that mythical money tree.

It's not politically convenient to keep up maintenance. People don't want to spend the money to "fix something that ain't broken." The mayor of Toronto was talking about fixing stuff to new standards. They have a budget or grant or something of about $6 million. The mayor figures it will cost billions to get everything updated.
That's true taxy, but there are several pictures that show that the rivers/lake has risen, overflowed their banks and climbed up to the roads.
It "climbed" up to the roads because the roads were lower than the level the water in those rivers and lakes had grown to with the rain filling them up.
I'm in Houston. It rained for the last hour-ish. Sooooo, being Houston, the power is out. It may come back in ten minutes, or ten days. It's Houston.

My family has been nagging me to move down here for 20-something years. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. -- Not a chance in the world.

The sun is almost set, it's not hot outside, and I had my hotel room AC on freeze out, so I should be okay for a while. I'm using my iPhone as a hotspot for my MacBook Pro, but don't want to leave that open for long (security risk).

I'm in Houston. It rained for the last hour-ish. Sooooo, being Houston, the power is out. It may come back in ten minutes, or ten days. It's Houston.

My family has been nagging me to move down here for 20-something years. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. -- Not a chance in the world.

The sun is almost set, it's not hot outside, and I had my hotel room AC on freeze out, so I should be okay for a while. I'm using my iPhone as a hotspot for my MacBook Pro, but don't want to leave that open for long (security risk).


It's back on. It was out at my sister's house this afternoon. Welcome to Houston.

The Energy Industry owns the Texas government, and it especially hurts Houston, which is the center of the energy universe. CenterPoint Energy will just pay off the governor and the key legislators, and they will let CenterPoint raise electricity rates for all the money they had to spend to fix the mess that they made. The energy industry is the real victim of all these power outages. Hey, the poor CEO of CenterPoint Energy only made $37-million dollars last year.

And these government officials will get re-elected. Governot Greg Abbott received $4.6 million from oil, gas and broader energy interests in his last re-election campaign in 2022.

As I have said before, I have a love/hate relationship with Texas. Here is one reason for the hate side.

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We are having a thunderstorm right now. Not much rain, which we need, but a lot of noise. Our kittens fled to hide - we were surprised because thunder never bothered them before.

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