Should bread be frozen or refrigerated

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I do the same thing. I buy 2-3 loaves at a time, then put them into my chest freezer until one of them is needed. However, once I take a loaf out of the freezer, it stays on the counter until it's gone. I never put bread in the fridge. One loaf of bread doesn't last long in our house because my son could literally survive on peanut butter sandwiches and eats them daily. So I can't remember the last time we had a loaf of bread go stale.
I take out slices as needed. They do separate quite easily.
During hot muggy weather I keep my bread in the fridge. But when I freeze my bread I also put a sheet of paper toweling in the bag. That toweling stays in the bag when I take it out of the freezer. It helps to keep the bread from going soggy and at the same time keeps it from getting that hardness around the edges and going stale. Bit of an oxymoron I know - but it seems to work for me.

My parents bought bread from the day-old bakery thrift store, and froze it. Over twenty years of doing this, they probably saved fifty bucks, or $2.50 a year.

I love good bread. If I buy cheap bread, it will probably go bad before I eat it, but good bread will not survive in my house for more than a few days, because I will eat it. I pay extra for fresh baked bread, in small-ish loafs, or buy buns a few at a time.

I have never frozen bread myself, but as I mentioned before, I do keep it in the fridge at certain times of the year, when bread can go from fresh to science project overnight. Is it as good as bread fresh from the oven? Of course it isn't. But, a few seconds in the microwave, and some good butter, and I am happy.

The only thing I absolutely will not do to bread is put Marmite on it. I got talked into that once, and am now scarred for life. :ROFLMAO:

Since there are just two of us, and we aren't big sandwich eaters, I freeze bread. A loaf of store bread lasts us a couple of weeks.
When I bake bread, which is frequently (love to bake breads!) I always do a double batch. I'm a messy cook, and if my kitchen is going to be a mess, I want something to show for it! I freeze the extra breads as soon as they are cooled. Wrapped in plastic bags and frozen, they last until needed. I honestly can't tell the difference between bread baked that day and bread baked and frozen two weeks ago, or more.

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