What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Yup, thanks to the idiots who run our state government, we had "The Big Freeze" of 2021 here in Texas. Over 400 people died, billions in damage. No good reason for it. Just hubris.

Psychopoodle and I slept by the fireplace, and I shut off the water so the pipes couldn't burst. I had my camping gear to cook with and maintain some small level of comfort. Lots of five gallon buckets of water so the toilets could flush. That's a big thing you need to plan for.

I remember hearing about that. It's sad when people lose their lives due to something like the weather. It's just so senseless to me.
Had the most horrendous thunder storm earlier today - it was a WOW - HOLY PETUNIAS!! went on for a goodly time. Surprised me as that kind rain isn't usually for very long. Finally stopped, I ran some errands, stepped outside of last stop and nearly drowned before I could get to the car - which was the closest car parked to the door of the store! Amazing. Have no idea how much we got but it was A LOT!
Sun is shining now - all sweet innocence. huh :unsure:
More storms to come during the night.
we lost power AGAIN last night for an hour and 45 minutes from a storm, lightning strike to power equipment.
now there are 30 severe weather warnings and tornadoes in iowa coming towards Southern Wisconsin and northern illinois. We expect to see that at 8-9-10-11 tonight.
i expect more electrical outages tonight, whether it is a strong storm, tornado, or derecho.
@caseydog, 'all sweet innocence'.. after the storm passes, yeah! isn't that amazing, the power and mess, followed by birds tweeting.
It got up to 97° here, with a HI of 103°, yet I got more soaked yesterday, in about the same amount of time as I did today, even though it was 82°! That is because today there was wind, and lower humidity. Absolutely no wind movement yesterday, and 86% humidity, while I was out there. I don't think they factor in the wind (or lack of it) in "feels like" temperature.

Tomorrow we might hit 100° for the first time in 12 years in this area, and 110° heat index. I might stay in tomorrow, after making sure everything is ok.
It got up to 97° here, with a HI of 103°, yet I got more soaked yesterday, in about the same amount of time as I did today, even though it was 82°! That is because today there was wind, and lower humidity. Absolutely no wind movement yesterday, and 86% humidity, while I was out there. I don't think they factor in the wind (or lack of it) in "feels like" temperature.

Tomorrow we might hit 100° for the first time in 12 years in this area, and 110° heat index. I might stay in tomorrow, after making sure everything is ok.

I know we hit 100F, but didn't catch the heat index. It's not that humid, since it hasn't rained in a week, and that rain was brief. I had to water my potted basil plant three times today, so it was pretty hot and dry. I may move that plant tomorrow to some partial shade.

As of a few minutes ago, here's what's up in Frisco...


It is pretty dry out there, so the heat index isn't as high as it could be. But, like I'm sure K-Girl would tell you, dry heat is still HOT!

It is supposed to cool down into the low to mid 90s for the next few days, due to cloud cover, and we may just possibly get a little rain.

The temp got to 99° here today, and 105° or106° HI, depending on who you are watching. And tonight, the rain didn't look like it was coming to this area, but around 9:15 the sky opened up, and it's still raining some. So far, I've gotten 1.12". Tomorrow is when it's supposed to be worse.

Now it's almost finished, and up to 1.18". I might be able to take a shower, now. Assuming no more lightning...
last three nights, storms and rain. last night over an inch of rain drowning my flats i just planted. We lost electric 2 nights but not last night. Tonight is our first non-storm night.
So it turns out the surprise I felt about the deluge was well deserved. The flooding was pretty bad in Toronto. Complete shock to all. One report showed a man being rescued from the top of his car - which you could barely see maybe 2" of roof showing.
As of a few minutes ago, here's what's up in Frisco...

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It is pretty dry out there, so the heat index isn't as high as it could be. But, like I'm sure K-Girl would tell you, dry heat is still HOT!

It is supposed to cool down into the low to mid 90s for the next few days, due to cloud cover, and we may just possibly get a little rain.


That's exactly the same temperature we have in the afternoons with around 50% humidity!
It feels like we're back in the Covid curfew months,except that it's ok to go outside in mornings but for the rest of the day : STAY INSIDE, unless absolutely necessary.
You have been warned! 😳
The temp got to 99° here today, and 105° or106° HI, depending on who you are watching. And tonight, the rain didn't look like it was coming to this area, but around 9:15 the sky opened up, and it's still raining some. So far, I've gotten 1.12". Tomorrow is when it's supposed to be worse.

Now it's almost finished, and up to 1.18". I might be able to take a shower, now. Assuming no more lightning...

If you can spare some of that rain, we'll take it down here. From July into mid September, we get very little rain in North Texas.

That's exactly the same temperature we have in the afternoons with around 50% humidity!
It feels like we're back in the Covid curfew months,except that it's ok to go outside in mornings but for the rest of the day : STAY INSIDE, unless absolutely necessary.
You have been warned! 😳

I have read that global warming/climate change has been rough on Europe. France and Italy in particular. It was considered a hoax by half the voters in the US, but not as much now. People are slowly waking up.

I've lived in Texas for 50 years now, so hot weather is nothing new to me, but it has gotten worse. We used to have maybe 15 days a year over 100F, but last year it was 55 days over 100F, and 26 days over 105F.

But, we still have people saying "Drill baby, drill" at rallies.

After midnight, the lightning and thunder finally stopped about 12:45 am, though it was probably what was passing S of me, but close by. It only rained .07" after midnight, so it totaled 1.26" - the most I've gotten for a while. The ground was already dry, after those two recent rains I got, that totaled less than .5". That got the weeds growing, but when I weedwacked them a couple of days ago, I kicked up a cloud of dust! These two storms should water a little deeper.

We had some bad winds last night - 55-60 mph for the region. Some of my peppers and okra were on their sides, so I staked them up again, along with some others, in preparation for tonight. No damage to tomatoes or anything else, but I'll look closer, when they dry out.
I read about that rain in Toronto, since one of my FB friends lives in TO. There was over 100 mm (~4 inches) of rain in some areas of Toronto.
I read about that rain in Toronto, since one of my FB friends lives in TO. There was over 100 mm (~4 inches) of rain in some areas of Toronto.

Those pictures from dragnlaw look like more than four inches of rainfall.

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