What's for dinner Thursday, April 25, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Tovala meal. Braised beef and garlic mashies, with crispy onions. I thinly sliced 3 criminis and laid them on top of the beef trays while they baked, plus made some green beans for a vege. Craig had to finish mine besides the 1 bite of beef plus mashies each of the pugs got. It was a really good meal.
Still have shrimp I shelled a couple of days ago... guess I'll throw them in a pan along with some snow peas - maybe a bit of jalapeno? and a few other sweet mini peppers?
Gotta do something with them - refuse to toss them!

just might have to fire the cook - the nerve of some of this hired help now-a-days! only work when they bloody feel like it! (oops, sorry Katy)
I had plans for more of those thin pork chops. But, when I got to the kitchen, it just seemed like more effort than it was worth. But, I did fancy some eggs and toast, so that's what it was. I fried two sunny side up eggs, but I put a lid on the skillet, so the white over the yolk would get cooked. I stuck a couple of slices of whole meal and sunflower seed bread in the toaster. I poured myself a large mug of Earl Grey tea. I quite enjoyed that. It wasn't until I looked at the pictures on my computer, that I noticed that the fork and knife don't match. :ermm::wacko::ROFLMAO:

Eggs and whol meal and sunflower seed toast sm.jpg
I had plans for more of those thin pork chops. But, when I got to the kitchen, it just seemed like more effort than it was worth. But, I did fancy some eggs and toast, so that's what it was. I fried two sunny side up eggs, but I put a lid on the skillet, so the white over the yolk would get cooked. I stuck a couple of slices of whole meal and sunflower seed bread in the toaster. I poured myself a large mug of Earl Grey tea. I quite enjoyed that. It wasn't until I looked at the pictures on my computer, that I noticed that the fork and knife don't match. :ermm::wacko::ROFLMAO:

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BTDT. Some days we just have to be happy we can feed ourselves. Hugs.
So I just did those shrimp... didn't realize it was so late, but done and eaten... shrimp, snow peas and jalapenos.
shrimp, snow peas, jalapenos 24.04.25.jpg

here's one for you, all the same jalapeno but some pieces were hot and other ... meh... could have really used some starch to soak up the olive oil but chose wine over starch, what can I tell yuh! ruddy low carb will get yuh every time! :LOL:
Didn't eat all the shrimp so will have the rest in a salad tomorrow I guess... after I drown myself swimming laps, groan............
I thought all British people used pudding for dessert. Did not know it was used by "posh" people. But, despite Downton Abbey, there's a lot I don't understand about the British class system.
Only my "posher" friends use "pudding". Most UKers say "dessert". "Afters" appears to be something I got from my Irish parents!

Obviously, as a thoroughly "working class" person, I think the British class system is a pile of .. um... tosh! (being polite there). :whistling
Only my "posher" friends use "pudding". Most UKers say "dessert". "Afters" appears to be something I got from my Irish parents!

Obviously, as a thoroughly "working class" person, I think the British class system is a pile of .. um... tosh! (being polite there). :whistling
My mother’s grandparents came from England towards the end of the American Civil War to escape the class system.

They had been very successful and had a comfortable life but never felt that their financial success was enough.

Their success continued in America but has unfortunately skipped a couple of generations. 😉🤭😂
We finished up bits and bobs (another British phrase? 😁) of leftovers.

When we lived in MA, we were surprised at how many Britophiles there were. Never figured out the fascination with all things British. Hadn't these people heard that we fought the British to establish our own country and culture? 🤔
I had the same reaction when I moved to Virginia from Michigan, plus there's the Civil War history here.

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