Any thoughts on canned meats?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
Include salmon,herring fillers, ma kerala, beef, spam etc. in that question. I admit I have never eaten canned meats except tuna. Any risks or disadvantages etc.
I've had tuna, anchovies, corned beef, Vienna sausages and spam canned. I've had herring in wine sauce and dried beef in jars.
Thanks. I don’t recall seeing canned herring.

Canned fish is “all the rage” at some fancy restaurants here.

I like pretty much all canned fish, including salmon. Been eating it all my life. Sadly my beloved anchovies gave me gout so they are off the list.

I’ll eat Spam every other year, but no other canned meats.
Canned meat and fish are no more risky than other canned foods. If the can is badly dented, leaking or bulging, don't eat from it.

I eat canned tuna and Spam. One of my former neighbors was from the Pacific Northwest. She used to serve jarred creamed herring at parties. It wasn't bad but it isn't something I buy.
I think he meant Herring Fillets. I have seen them in a can (like sardines)

Or filets? Fillets are British filets. ;)

Herring, like sardines and anchovies, are often canned. I have never had the canned herrings. I have used canned sardines and anchovies as a flavoring agent, but not on their own.

I grew up with SPAM, and it has its place. I like it. A lot of people don't. K-Girl probably knows everything to cook with SPAM.

Canned meats are popular with "peppers," the people stocking up for the end times. They last for years in a cool, dry storage cave. For the less armageddon types who live in hurricane country, they are good to have around if you lose power for a while. It is meat that doesn't need refrigeration.

Kippered herring is how I remember it being in cans - slightly larger than sardines, which is probably why they are "kippered", or split, though I think I've seen other types of fish kippered, too. I get deals on canned herring at Ollies, and sometimes Ocean State Job Lot, where there are occasionally digital coupons for them, plus the 20% off for older people, the first hour every Monday. I also get some incredibly cheap canned salmon there when they have deals on them. As for meats, I can't remember any canned meats I've had, since I was a child.
I make a Korean Army stew (think spicy ramen with a bunch of delecables added) and it's the bomb. It's got Vienna sausage, hot dog, and spam in it, along with 3 types of mushrooms in a (homemade of course) chicken stock and gochujang broth. Top it off with cheap plastic wrapper cheese. It's so good.

I haven't used much canned salmon as I find it more fishy than the Midwestern frozen kind that I always buy, though I do sometimes use it in sushi rolls as I don't like raw fish. I use tons of sardines and canned tuna though. Sardines are lowkey the unsung hero of food.
I make a Korean Army stew (think spicy ramen with a bunch of delecables added) and it's the bomb. It's got Vienna sausage, hot dog, and spam in it, along with 3 types of mushrooms in a (homemade of course) chicken stock and gochujang broth. Top it off with cheap plastic wrapper cheese. It's so good.

I haven't used much canned salmon as I find it more fishy than the Midwestern frozen kind that I always buy, though I do sometimes use it in sushi rolls as I don't like raw fish. I use tons of sardines and canned tuna though. Sardines are lowkey the unsung hero of food.

I have never made Korean Army Stew, but know what it is, and would like to make it just for shitzangiggles. Another canned meat meal invented during wartime.

Canned ham - I use a bit. the big oval ones you can cook up like you would a roast. Or compressed bits and pieces for salad or sandwiches.

Other than tuna, can't think of anything else, aside from the fact I don't like Spam.
I love sardine sandwiches. Another weird food that my parents ate and I joined them (at a very early age). I ate literally everything. My brother ate literally nothing but breakfast cereal and boiled egg noodles.
Canned meat and fish are no more risky than other canned foods. If the can is badly dented, leaking or bulging, don't eat from it.
I agree. That said, I think canned fish and meat are more likely to have a high salt content than most other canned foods.
Kippered herring is how I remember it being in cans - slightly larger than sardines, which is probably why they are "kippered", or split, though I think I've seen other types of fish kippered, too.
Kippered herring is the only herring I have seen in cans. I do see other types of herring in jars. The kippered herring that I buy is cured and cold smoked before it is canned. It is split to make the curing and smoking go faster.

I also buy canned smoked oysters, anchovies, tuna, sardines, and corned beef. No canned salmon for me because, I don't like cooked salmon.

I have had but I'm not a big fan of Spam, canned ham, or canned chicken.

There is of course, also meat in some canned soups and stews. I only buy very limited amounts of canned soups. There aren't many that interest me.
Or filets? Fillets are British filets. ;)

Herring, like sardines and anchovies, are often canned. I have never had the canned herrings. I have used canned sardines and anchovies as a flavoring agent, but not on their own.

I grew up with SPAM, and it has its place. I like it. A lot of people don't. K-Girl probably knows everything to cook with SPAM.

Canned meats are popular with "peppers," the people stocking up for the end times. They last for years in a cool, dry storage cave. For the less armageddon types who live in hurricane country, they are good to have around if you lose power for a while. It is meat that doesn't need refrigeration.

Not quite @caseydog. I keep seeing new-to-me ideas on the Spam® Face Book Page.
There was one that cracked me up, a Spam® Musubi Man using a Gingerbread Man Cookie cutter.
Not quite @caseydog. I keep seeing new-to-me ideas on the Spam® Face Book Page.
There was one that cracked me up, a Spam® Musubi Man using a Gingerbread Man Cookie cutter.

Hey K-Girl, this just opened up about a mile from me...


No SPAM???

I'm fine with canned fish/seafood: herring, pilchard, anchovies, tuna, salmon, mussels, oysters etc

Not a fan of canned meat though.
Not sure why.
Spam could work in emergencies, thinly sliced, fried hard.
I've had canned ham. Also OK for emergencies.
And just remembering canned pate/liverwurst spread. That I actually enjoy with lots of pepper

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