Freezing Mushrooms?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
I have often frozen mushrooms when they are incorporated into other ingredients. I have dried them in the dehydrator. But I have on occasion, read of someone here, freezing the mushrooms. eg. "oh, I had a super bag of mushrooms on sale, so I froze them"...
How did you prepare them for freezing? From the simple statement it sounds like they were whole? Don't they just turn to mush after?

I ask 'cause again I got some on sale, but I don't feel like dehydrating them this time.
You'll have to cook them to get the moisture out. Try dry frying them, with very, very little to no oil, or cook as K-girl mentions.

You can buy frozen porcinis that are frozen raw after cleaning, I have part of a bag in the freezer in fact, but porcinis are much denser than other mushrooms. With that said, they are a bit mushy when defrosted and certainly can't be treated like fresh mushrooms.
When mushrooms are frozen by the Food Industry, don't think it's the same as throwing them a home freezer. I used to be able to get frozen Battered Whole Mushrooms, cn't seem to find them any more. I thought they were great! LOL
I have made mushroom appetizers filled with spicy sausage and cream cheese (YUM) and Frozen them, both raw and after cooking. They are fine.

I just thought (hoped) that someone had a secret way of freezing without a lot of prior prepping! LOL guess I'll just get out the whip and use it on the kitchen/scullery maid.

Thanks guys, I appreciate!
Why not try just freezing a few fresh mushrooms and see what happens? Maybe leave them out where they can dry a little bit for a day or so, before freezing them.

Now, I'm curious enough that I will probably have to try it. Don't hold your breath waiting for me to do it first though.
Oh! Hey. We were able to get mushrooms for $2/lb or less with reduced produce. The first way we kept them is to cook them and pressure can them. There's a lot canned. Then the freezing, we just cook until reduced, the mushrooms shrink a little, lots of water comes out, we freeze the liquid and mushrooms in pint containers.

I just had some yesterday and today, from the freezer, mixed with onions and collards, garlic and soy sauce. They are great, fast to thaw, ready to eat.
Thank you to everyone. I was sort'a hopeful someone had a secret but...

Alas, poor dragn, has to get off her butt and actually cook.
Raw mushrooms don’t freeze well, I found (like a hundred years ago). Unless you add a couple to your freezer ziplock with vegetable stock scraps.

They freeze pretty well when cooked, though.
I have often frozen mushrooms when they are incorporated into other ingredients. I have dried them in the dehydrator. But I have on occasion, read of someone here, freezing the mushrooms. eg. "oh, I had a super bag of mushrooms on sale, so I froze them"...
How did you prepare them for freezing? From the simple statement it sounds like they were whole? Don't they just turn to mush after?

I ask 'cause again I got some on sale, but I don't feel like dehydrating them this time.
Can you tell me more about dehydrating mushrooms? Temp?
How long?
I slice them about 3/8th" (give or take) and then at 125 F to 130 F.
It can take anywhere from 3 to 7 hours depending on moisture content of air and mushrooms.

I do some at sort of a leathery/pliable stage for using fairly soon. Store in a jar with a silica pac, if you have. I do some brittle/crsp for longer storage.

This is is my dehydrator - have never used an oven or toaster oven. But there's no reason you can't - if you are will ing to go without them for that length of time.... Or maybe overnight?
This is my favorite method for all mushrooms: Clean and slice the mushrooms. You can sauté them lightly in a bit of oil or butter to remove moisture, but I generaly skip this step :D
Spread the sliced mushrooms in a single layer on a baking sheet and place it in the freezer until they're frozen solid, like 10-15min. Then, transfer the frozen mushrooms to a freezer bag.

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