Dinner Wednesday, 6-6-2018

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
Today is, by one account, National Gingerbread Day. If you are ever in the Williamsburg, VA, area, be sure to stop by the Raleigh Tavern Bakery and buy a bag of their soft, tender, yummy gingerbread cookies. :yum: Worth the trip to Colonial Williamsburg.

No gingerbread cookies left in our jar, and no plans for making gingerbread. However, dinner is almost done. I made a pot of Classic Pork Stew yesterday, right up to the point of adding in the mushrooms. I'll finish the stew off tonight when we're ready for dinner. I'll be extra lazy and bake up a tube of Pillsbury Grands Biscuits for gravy-sopping.

What are you planning for tonight's meal?
Tonight's dinner will be chicken and prosciutto ravioli with tomato sauce and a side of string beans.
Well, I was going to make Italian Sausage Spaghetti for TB and a chicken caesar for me but now it looks like I will be heading over to Andy's house.

Andy, do you want me to bring dessert? :angel:
welp.... with all the moving in and required shopping for everything except food staples, I'm afraid about all I have are a couple of chicken thighs, some cauliflower and a can of beans... that will have to do.. :rolleyes:

The good thing is, tomorrow is delivery and errand free.. It will be pantry shopping for us.. Aldi got us for $200 Friday and I STILL have nothing in the pantry.. :wacko:

I made a 2 hour tri tip. Basic rub of garlic powder, onion powder, lots of black pepper, paprika, cumin.

Smoked it with almond wood, and then 20 minute rest.*






Sandwiches are also on the way
I have bits and pieces in the fridge. Guess its gonna be chopped left over chicken, lettuce, black olives, tomato, mushrooms, bits of cheese, last of the champagne vinaigrette and possibly I will steam a few asparagus to go with it.

Although I was thinking of making a gruyere/mascarpone and asparagus tart later this week... hmmm...

oh dear, I also have a half a piece of salmon left over from Monday...

oh oh oh decisions decisions decisions...
Roman, what a delicious looking dinner. That tri tip is perfectly done and a thing of beauty - one of my fave cuts of beef. The sides...is it cabbage slaw and potato salad? They look very tasty as well. :yum:

This afternoon's dinner will be a grilled ribeye. Haven't decided yet on a side - it'll be either grilled asparagus or a tossed green salad.

Wonderful sounding dinners here today, as always! :chef:
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Looks and sounds great everyone... and CG our niece will be in Williamsburg next month, I will pass along your tip ;)

We're still in the "Island Mode" I suppose you could say... I'm making an old standby that I make very often for us, even over here on the Mainland … Teriyaki Chicken on the gas grill
Steamed Baby Bok Choy
Korean style Mung Bean Sprout Salad (I forget the name of it)
Steamed White Rice with Shoyu and Furikake

Dessert will be Pecan Kringle from Trader Joe's, that's if there's any left by that time ;)
Roman, what a delicious looking dinner. That tri tip is perfectly done and a thing of beauty - one of my fave cuts of beef. The sides...is it cabbage slaw and potato salad? They look very tasty as well. :yum:

This afternoon's dinner will be a grilled ribeye. Haven't decided yet on a side - it'll be either grilled asparagus or a tossed green salad.

Wonderful sounding dinners here today, as always! :chef:

Thank you so much :)

yep a simple coleslaw and potato salad :chef:
Crawfish etouffee with maque choux.


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I went to lunch with a friend for a late lunch at Blaze Pizza. I'll have leftover pizza and some fruits and veggies for dinner.

Guys had parfaits of pudding, strawberries from the garden, pineapple, graham crackers, then some home wrapped burritos w/chicken/rice/beans/cheese and salsa and sour cream. I had 2 bean salad, leftover spicy beans, and homemade brie on whole grain toast.
That's a mighty fine looking Tri Tip Roman. I've been grilling them for years, but here is what I wrote on Mon. night's dinner thread...

Well, I think I finally have the sous vide tri tip down pat. Yeahhh!!!

The winning formula is a bagged well trimmed 3 lb. Tri Tip heavily seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning and soy sauce rub, cooked at 132 degrees for 3.5 hrs in the water bath, and finished on my "Wilma" searing burner on our grill.

It was perfection for us..132 degrees is our magic number. I love how the entire odd shape Tri Tip is the same degree of doneness. That's always been a battle without Sous Vide. We do love our Tri Tip in this part of the world!
For us, the cost of the Sous Vide was worth it for this alone.

MsM, now that's a proper looking Cob Salad!!

We're having Tri Tip sandwiches for supper.
Mrs. T wanted swordfish tonight, and the supermarket stuff hasn't looked too good as of late, so I went to the pricey seafood shop down the road. So, so good.

Sides were white basmati with sun dried tomatoes and scallions, green salad.
Yep, MsM, your Cobb salad looks gorgeous and +1 to what Kay said. As opposed to chopped salads which I also love (a little bit of everything in one delicious bite), Cobb salads look so much better separated on the plate....same with Crab or Shrimp Louie. Sometimes it just needs to look pretty before we dig into it. :yum:


Now that summer is here, I'm going to be all up into salads and going through previous threads here on DC. :):yum:
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Thank you everyone. It was very good. This is the first time I have made/composed a cobb salad. My DD just piled hers toppings all together. I liked the stripes.
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