Thursday 7/27/2017 What's on the menu?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Still no set plans but meatloaf or chili ... maybe.
Put together a small chicken enchilada casserole... Poached the chicken in the fresh made sauce..
Thinking of mashing some black beans in bacon fat and mixing in some stuff to make them taste really good.. A small green salad with a lime/cilantro dressing to appease the guilt gods...

Coconut cake for dessert to appease me..

Getting a break today, my Aunt is making one of my top 3 meals, ham balls! I usually get them on my birthday and one other time during the year. I sometimes make them myself but they never turn out quite as good as hers. :yum:
I haven't got a clue. It is one of those days where you open the fridge, stare into it, then close the door with a big sigh. Walk away empty handed and not one idea. There is plenty of meat in freezer. I think I will make some bread dough for the freezer. Just to have on hand. At least I will feel like I did something useful.
I have some yard work to do this evening, so I wanted to get dinner out of the way early.

I had a pan seared Veal Chop. For the sauce, I deglazed the pan with Vermouth, reduced it down, and whisked in a pat of butter and some fresh thyme. I also had Cheddar-Chive Cauliflower Mash, as well as the very first fresh tomato from my garden on the deck.

garden salad and blueberry cobber...romaine, radish, celery, onion, and carrot from the garden, the rest from the store.


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Braised short ribs served over rice. I put three red peppers from my garden in whole, uncut, to pull out after cooking -- just for a little kiss of heat. I had to add some water to the pot at the end to tone it down. It was just right after that. I also tied up some sprigs of rosemary and thyme and tossed them on top. I did this braise stovetop in a cast-iron dutch oven.

Excellent, and I have two more for another meal.

Wonderful sounding dinners and great pics! I'm getting inspired by today's posts now that the weather is cooling off just a little - for now.

This evening's dinner was a tuna melt on rye, and a bowl of watermelon. :)
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Braised short ribs served over rice. I put three red peppers from my garden in whole, uncut, to pull out after cooking -- just for a little kiss of heat. I had to add some water to the pot at the end to tone it down. It was just right after that. I also tied up some sprigs of rosemary and thyme and tossed them on top. I did this braise stovetop in a cast-iron dutch oven.

Excellent, and I have two more for another meal.


This sounds delicious! :yum:
I had planned on garden salads and roast beef-and-cheese sandwiches on ciabatta rolls. Just as I was done with the salads and ready to start the sandwiches, my SIL called to say she had just made a lot of stuffed cabbage and would we like some? Never refuse food! All I had to do was mash some potatoes and call it dinner. Didn't think to take a photo because it smelled too good to remember!
We had homemade French toast - used regular bread for Mom's, and had 2 pieces of cloud bread that a friend made for me to try and I had that. Have to get her recipe. My BS stayed much more stable using that instead of regular bread.
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