2017 Edition - What are you baking?

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Brad* and I made and baked a loaf of French bread. (*I decided to name my bread machine. I figure since Himself names our computers and hand-held devices, I can name my appliances. :LOL: )

And then this happened:

Hmmmmm the is toaster ... Angelina?

Nice bread! Recipe?
"Angelina" :ROFLMAO: Funny, msm, but "Brad" is Bread without the "e".

The recipe is what came with my bread machine. I let the machine do the real work, then turn the dough out and let it rise again. Not sure if the recipe would work as a fully from-scratch loaf. Now if you want the husband who can eat bread faster than you can bake it...:LOL:
"Angelina" :ROFLMAO: Funny, msm, but "Brad" is Bread without the "e".

The recipe is what came with my bread machine. I let the machine do the real work, then turn the dough out and let it rise again. Not sure if the recipe would work as a fully from-scratch loaf. Now if you want the husband who can eat bread faster than you can bake it...:lol:

You have one of them also? Pirate is always saying and complaining about how he HAS to lose weight. Everything he eats revolves around bread.

I hadn't given any thought to naming my bread machine. Sounds like a great idea. I have to go through the alphabet. For A - Aiken? Nah! Mad Cook, I need a strong old fashion Anglo-Saxon English name. Have any suggestions?
I made blackbean brownies, I recommend not doing it if your scale is wonky. It didnt work at all. But the idea is sound.
I made Swedish almond cake...it didn't come out of the pan right. So I made a strawberry truffle crumb cake. Gotta try again. Don't know why it didn't work--I have made this so many times. Grrrr.
Baked a single layer 6" white cake for two.. Frosted with a combination red (strawberry jam) and vanilla white buttercream frosting..

The finished product didn't look like the bloggers pics but tastes really good...

I guess I have a frosting application deficiency.. :LOL:
Going home to bake bread (Baps/muffins/barm cakes,soft rolls or whatever they call them in your neck of the woods), chocolate cake, flapjacks (the English ones not the American ones) and something else - haven't decided yet.
I made Swedish almond cake...it didn't come out of the pan right. So I made a strawberry truffle crumb cake. Gotta try again. Don't know why it didn't work--I have made this so many times. Grrrr.
Would lining the baking tin help next time?

(Obviously not if it's a bundt tin)
I decided to make a baguette for the first time in about 3 years. It didn't turn out too bad. I started with a 24 hour poolish and ended up with lots of nice holes in the bread. I was shooting for 80% hydration, but I don't think I got near that, though.


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I see your English bread, GG, and raise you a Sally Lunn! Yours looks yummy. No photos from me, since I keep forgetting to unscrew the screw-up I did on my Dropbox account.

I finally took my new Bundt pan out for a spin, since Sally Lunn needs to have a hole in her middle. We'll be cutting into the loaf soon, and I hope it's OK. First, the second rise is supposed to let it grow 1/3 to 1/2 - I goofed and thought it was supposed to double like the first rise. :huh: Then I forgot the rule about dropping the oven temp by 25 degrees when using a dark pan - oops. :ermm: Realized it about half an hour into the 40-minute bake time. It should have occurred to me sooner since I needed to put a tin foil hat on the bread due to it browning too much.

I mixed a batch of cake-mix cookies while the bread was baking. Used a dark chocolate mix, added roughly 1/2 cup each of unsweetened flaked coconut, chopped pecans, and chocolate chips. Himself, who insists he does not like "too much chocolate!" scarfed down the sample cookie I offered and deemed it "yum". Heh, too much chocolate, he says...
Thank you, dear! Don't know what a Sally Lunn is, but I raise you a traditional, yet kicked-up, oatmeal raisin cookie! [emoji38]

DH likes to have an afternoon coffee with a bite of something sweet, so today I made a batch of oatmeal-raisin cookies with Penzeys Indonesian Cinnamon and Pie Spice. It's not my favorite, but... The things you do for love ? 0423171521_HDR.jpg0423171546_HDR.jpg
Sally Lunn is the name of the bread, purportedly named after the young lass who baked and sold it. A bit of history: Sally Lunn Bread: Moist and Delicious Every Time! I did not use any of the variations of recipes in that article. Instead, I used the one in my Williamsburg Cook Book, the same one posted here: Sally Lunn Bread Recipe

If I keep baking, I'm going to have to pedal my bike in the basement from now straight through until my next check-up date - or until around May 16th. :ermm:

I'm not much of an oatmeal cookie fan. I think I need to hunt down my Kitchen Sink Cookie recipe (once found, now in hiding again...) and bake a batch before the weather gets way too warm.
Sally Lunn is the name of the bread, purportedly named after the young lass who baked and sold it. A bit of history: Sally Lunn Bread: Moist and Delicious Every Time! I did not use any of the variations of recipes in that article. Instead, I used the one in my Williamsburg Cook Book, the same one posted here: Sally Lunn Bread Recipe

If I keep baking, I'm going to have to pedal my bike in the basement from now straight through until my next check-up date - or until around May 16th. :ermm:

I'm not much of an oatmeal cookie fan. I think I need to hunt down my Kitchen Sink Cookie recipe (once found, now in hiding again...) and bake a batch before the weather gets way too warm.

CG, I have a Colonial Cookbook put out by The Old Farmer's Almanac (Yankee Magazine). It too has a recipe for Sally Lunn Bread. Your Kitchen Cook Recipe sounds interesting. Hope you find it and share. I need to find a family to bake for. Everyone in my family is trying to lose weight. That is not fare to me.
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