What's on the Table for Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015?

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Leftover Night

MMM, artichokes! Love California artichokes, Kayelle!


Leftovers tonight, I'm not feeling well.
Porkloin roast, roasted fresh carrots (SOOOO sweet)
and baby dutch potatoes.
Yup, these are all leftovers from the freezer, easy-peasy!
I roasted a chicken covered in EVOO and finely chopped parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Served it with a tossed salad and wholewheat fusilli pasta with pesto that I made today. It was yummers. Served it with Mateus (Portuguese rosé wine).


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I roasted a chicken covered in EVOO and finely chopped parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. Served it with a tossed salad and wholewheat fusilli pasta with pesto that I made today. It was yummers. Served it with Mateus (Portuguese rosé wine).

Taxy...your dinner looks delicious! :yum: Love the candles.

I have 'Scarborough Fair' in my mind now. :ermm::LOL:
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Thanks Dawg. I like octopus, although I don't think I'd want to prepare one.

It was an "interesting" experience. It was already partially cleaned, with the "parts" mostly out of the head, but I had to finish cleaning the head, cut out the eye section and take out the beak. It had a texture comparable to raw squid (obviously) but multiplied in size hugely. A little ungainly to work with and not make a mess. Craig was going along behind me wiping up the floor so the pugs didn't lick up the raw octopus juice. LOL. I really was trying not to make a mess. It was a little eewwy though prepping it.

I think I might have overcooked it in the braising liquid/pressure cooker a bit. Definitely the head part as it was kind of stringy when I peeled off the skin. Also, the skin came off the tentacles with little more than a touch and we lost all the little suckers. It was really tender though. Next time think I'll try just a regular pan. We were a little short on time since it took us so long to get our errands done yesterday and we wanted to do the octopus since we bought it while we were out, thus the pressure cooker.

Couldn't believe how much it shrunk. I thought we were going to have to freeze part of it, that there'd be way too much. Not so much. By the time it was cooked, it was between 1/2 and 1/3 the size it was to start with. Wow!

BTW, polpo is Italian for octopus. I'm not even going to try to spell the Greek word.
I'm interested in your recipe!

Oh, I went by Emeril Lagasse's recipe, which I found on foodnetwork.com. I've never made them before, and was nervous about making dough, so I used his recipe as a starting point and followed it pretty exactly. I researched several recipes, but his sounded the best to me, and it was really good.
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