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Boss lady heard it from across the room. They figure it got hung up on a calcification and snapped past it creating the wonderful pain and then it just kept hurting from inflammation. I've had a couple days of rest with it and it has reduced. Still sore but it doesn't hurt, if that makes sense. Electrical stimulation, ice therapy, Icy Hot and Tylenol. Wouldn't be so bad, except for being left handed, so it gets more use than it should.

Nothing loose, nothing blocking, but it's starting to sound like my knees...Rice Krispies.

Of course it's your left shoulder. It's the one you use the most, so it gets damaged the most. Righties have stuff go wrong more with their right arms/shoulders.
We have cottontail rabbits that chew on the wires in the car engine compartments. We have had it happen several times in our driveway. It is also a big problem at the Colorado Springs and the Denver airports in the long-term parking lots. They really like those wires! Hubby bought some kind of stinky bags of something that he hangs in the engine compartment of the Miata. It seems to have stopped them. They loved chewing on the Volkswagens that I used to have, but have so far left my Mazda alone. We don't seem to have any problems with the suburban (maybe because the ground clearance is higher?).
One time we pulled my sons Volkswagen into the garage to check under the hood, and a rabbit was in there. I'm not sure who was startled more, the rabbit or the rest of us when he hopped out and ran! My other son took a rabbit to work under the hood and didn't realize it. The rabbit must have been chewing all the way to work, because the car died right as he pulled into work. He opened the hood, and found chewed wires and a rabbit. It was moving day for that rabbit I guess, because he hopped off several miles from his original home.
We have cottontail rabbits that chew on the wires in the car engine compartments.....My other son took a rabbit to work under the hood and didn't realize it. The rabbit must have been chewing all the way to work, because the car died right as he pulled into work. He opened the hood, and found chewed wires and a rabbit. It was moving day for that rabbit I guess, because he hopped off several miles from his original home.

What, no hasenpfeffer for dinner that night? :ohmy: :LOL:
What, no hasenpfeffer for dinner that night? :ohmy: :LOL:

If he could have shot the thing inside of the car without damaging things, I think he would have. My neighbor across the street eats the cottontails all of the time. The jack rabbits don't eat the veggies or chew on the cars, so I guess they are safe. Our promptly is just full of rabbits!
Oh, I almost forgot, I ordered the range. It is on back order, and won't get delivered until the 18th, so no baking or roasting until then. Only spent about $650.00 when all was said and done, so that is good. I'm excited, but still a little put out that this one isn't working.:ermm:
Broke ground for my new house today:w00t2:


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Dryer sheets help keep the mice away, too. I have some tied to various cables and whatnot under the hood of my tractor and haven't had a mouse nest under there since.
You haven't lived 'til you've started up a tractor and had a mama mouse come scurrying across the floorboard with a bunch of pink babies clinging to her butt. It's like some kind of alien spider.
Dryer sheets help keep the mice away, too. I have some tied to various cables and whatnot under the hood of my tractor and haven't had a mouse nest under there since.
You haven't lived 'til you've started up a tractor and had a mama mouse come scurrying across the floorboard with a bunch of pink babies clinging to her butt. It's like some kind of alien spider.

:LOL: such a funny visual I have right now. :LOL:
best of luck with the successive phases of the building of your new home, beth. what a beautiful widescreen vista you have as a view from your 'adobe abode' to-be--the mountains, the big sky, wow....:)
CG, that really was funny:LOL:. Even though the HOA requires all homes to look like adobe, mine will be a wood frame faux adobe abode.

Ah yes, the views. All homes are situated to maximize the view to the mountain, and the view is stunning.
Went and did some grocery shopping early this morning!

Been relaxing on the recliner under the quilt the rest of the morning as it is so cold here today
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