Worn out Teflon coating

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Assistant Cook
Jan 12, 2023
Hi All, I have an expensive, big, deep Le Creuset saute pan which is Teflon (I think) coated, now, I love this pan and have used it hard over a lot of years to the point where the Teflon coating is in poor shape. What are my options? Is it possible to remove what`s left of the coating and use as a plain cast iron skillet? Can it be recoated? TIA David.
Thanks for that, I couldn`t find the answer, so have sent them a message, will keep you posted.

I would still like to know if it`s possible to remove the damaged coating.
Yes, I believe you can. I just googled it and there are several ways. At a quick glance some seem more complicated than others. Guess which way you choose will depend on your availabilities, abilities and willingness.

If the coating is really damaged to the point were I would not use the pan, I personally, would probably take it to someone who would be willing to do it for me. But it would have to be pretty bad for me to do that - I'm basically lazy - :sneaky:
Thanks again, I`ve just googled it and see that you can wire brush/ sand it off, will wait to see how much LC want to recoat.
I hope you get some good answers from Le Creuset.

Are you sure that's cast iron? I have never heard of Teflon (or similar) coating on cast iron. I think it's usually on aluminium or stainless steel.
Hadn't noticed you said Cast Iron, I assumed it was their other metal ones that they do coat. If it is cast iron, is it white enamel and not non-stick coating?
In what way do you mean it is now ruined. Peeling? Blackened? or brown burnt as can happen with enamel coating.
Thanks for that, I couldn`t find the answer, so have sent them a message, will keep you posted.

I would still like to know if it`s possible to remove the damaged coating.
Definitely can remove the coating, though it is not simple because it is hard, you'd need a good sender. And you'll have to season it, bit that should be easy.
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