GW, love your idea of a Virtual Golden Chef.
Hope we will be seeing more of same, thanks to your idea.
The main ingredient has already been decided upon, and it's two days before contest ends.
Re the Judging, couple of ideas/thoughts/suggestions - how about...
The point system reflect catagories broken down, to vote/judge, so members will know what the dish is being rated on (rather than creative writing), perhaps open a poll on this site for all members to vote. A few guidelines for judging voting (some of which you already mentioned):
Use of the Main ingredient in the recipe
Presentation (would have to rely on pic)
Amount the dish recipe cost to prepare - staying w/i the guidlines of monies spent/allowed
Prep Time/Easy to prepare/a dish you would prepare for your family etc.
I haven't fine tuned the judging catagories, but sure you could find a sample on the web, and would like to see the judging opened up to
everyone in this forum. The honor system, speaks for itself - no waivers or creative writing. GW - this is your 'baby', and by all means, you call the shots - ingredients, rules, etc. Looking forward to the submissions from the good cooks here. Hey, it's Feb 13. Can we see all or some of the submissions prior to the cut-off date of Feb 15? Seems to me, folks are still debating the ingredient two days before the contest is judged. TIA