What's Wrong With This Picture?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I had a few limes leftover from another recipe so I thought I'd make a quick key lime pie. I picked up a graham cracker crust at the store and whipped up my TNT recipe for the filling. It's worked a dozen times before but this time, something went wrong.

Not sure if I over mixed it or over baked it. The texture is off as well. It's kind of mealy or something. Certainly not the nice light foamy filling I'm used to.

Any thoughts?


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Looks overbaked. My cheesecakes will crack even if left in 5 minutes longer then they should be. Though Ill usually cook mine for a bit then turn the heat off and they finish that way. Never crack that way.
I usually make mini cheesecakes and they have cracked if I dont turn the heat off. The big ones, not so much. I tend to take them out after letting them sit in the stove while its off but the middle is a tiny bit wiggly, and after its cooled its set and cooked. Have you checked the temp of the stove?
I'd still eat it! Was the humidity low when you baked it? And overbaked a teensy bit would be my guess as well. (Bet it still tastes yummy!)
Alix, the humidity was somewhat low today as it was cool and not raining. The tart lime taste was great but the looks and texture were disturbing.

Fortunately, it was just for us folks.
If I'm not mistaken, key lime needs a nice moist atmosphere to be perfect. If the humidity is low next time do the cookie sheet with water trick on the rack below.
Yes, I am afraid the diagnosis is overbaked. But as Alix said, I am sure it is still tasty. If you can't get past the cracks, whipped cream does wonders!:mrgreen:
I had a few limes leftover from another recipe so I thought I'd make a quick key lime pie. I picked up a graham cracker crust at the store and whipped up my TNT recipe for the filling. It's worked a dozen times before but this time, something went wrong.

Not sure if I over mixed it or over baked it. The texture is off as well. It's kind of mealy or something. Certainly not the nice light foamy filling I'm used to.

Any thoughts?
Andy mate it's a message, it means don't go Hang Gliding today!
I see a little man (bottom left) flying into a cliff face.
For a more accurate reading post a pic of your pecan pie.
Regards Madame Nutz:)
Andy mate it's a message, it means don't go Hang Gliding today!
I see a little man (bottom left) flying into a cliff face.
For a more accurate reading post a pic of your pecan pie.
Regards Madame Nutz:)

I learned a long time ago not to do potentially dangerous things that require any physical dexterity. I am always the one who crashes into the cliff face. The funny thing is, I'm always so graceful when I picture it in my mind...


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LOL Bolas
It does look like a hang glider...

Andy you have a talent! Try to get a religious figure in your next one and sell it on ebay!!!
I learned a long time ago not to do potentially dangerous things that require any physical dexterity. I am always the one who crashes into the cliff face. The funny thing is, I'm always so graceful when I picture it in my mind...
Ah yes Andy, your favorite flower is the sunflower, fav color Mahogany, you like to be neat although lacking in physical dexterity, one of your fav non food tv progs was Judge Judy, you have an umbrella for when it rains, ah oh yes my spirit guide Lenny Bruce has just informed me you cooked pork steaks on your new webber yesterday which went down a treat;)
LOL Bolas
It does look like a hang glider...

Andy you have a talent! Try to get a religious figure in your next one and sell it on ebay!!!
I concur Saph, yesterday I cut a cucumber in half the center looked like Daisy Duke.
Ah yes Andy, your favorite flower is the sunflower, fav color Mahogany, you like to be neat although lacking in physical dexterity, one of your fav non food tv progs was Judge Judy, you have an umbrella for when it rains, ah oh yes my spirit guide Lenny Bruce has just informed me you cooked pork steaks on your new webber yesterday which went down a treat;)

It looks overbaked, but the kind that comes from your oven being too hot. Have you checked the temperature lately with an oven thermometer?

In any case, I'd think a pie like that could be salvaged with the addition of enough good vanilla ice cream or whipped cream..... ;)
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