Chef Extraordinaire
for geebs
geebs, please stop doing something you hate as soon as you can.
It's not good for your head, heart, family, etc. If I were still living in the 60s I would tell you it's bad karma, man.
Life is too frickin short to do something that drags you down. Sure you have to make financial (and perhaps residential) bargains now, but in the long run you will like life a whole lot mo' bettah. I'm in your corner. Good luck!
geebs, please stop doing something you hate as soon as you can.
It's not good for your head, heart, family, etc. If I were still living in the 60s I would tell you it's bad karma, man.
Life is too frickin short to do something that drags you down. Sure you have to make financial (and perhaps residential) bargains now, but in the long run you will like life a whole lot mo' bettah. I'm in your corner. Good luck!