What's For Dinner, Thursday May 30th 2013

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We're going out again! Our yungun works at Busch Gardens Williamsburg (plays tuba in the Oktoberfest band) and got us season passes. We'll head up there after lunch, catch the 2 different shows he plays, grab some dinner there (with his discount) and come home. With the season pass, we don't have to open and close the park. We're getting too old to do that anymore and since we don't really ride the rides now it's just as well.
please tell me his name is oompah. ;)

Menudo and a salad.

did you thin it out to reduce, what was it, the sodium per serving?
The turkey neck stew came out wonderful, tender and flavorful. There was enough to make up a dinner for my next door neighbor who was there for me to get me to a hospital when I had my stroke last week.

my mom would love you. one of her most favored things to eat were turkey necks. i think she was a turkey vampire in a previous life. do you have a recipe that you can post so that i could make it for vladia, umm, i mean mom?

Thank you very much. I will tell her. We just fought over who is going the dishes. Yet to have dessert. Just the two of us tonight. Here was the dinner. I went a bit heavy on the home smoked pork belly in the pasta. but, it is sooo good...

happy birthday to the amore de rock.

i'm sure she'll let you do the dishes, or hell, let 'em soak, no problem. :)
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'Twas the night before Friday
and all through the house
fragrant air was swirling
giving Longwind culinary clout

The charcoal was laid
in the Webber with care
In hopes that soon
ham and lamb would be seard

The hashbrowns were cooking
in cast iron on the stove
Asparagus was steaming
DW was holding her nose

Summer squash completed
this very tasty meal
that DW and I
would soon eat with zeal

The lamb was divine
and seasoned just right
with thyme, salt and pepper
and vacuum packed last night

The ham was so tender
and tasty when grilled
And all came fresh
from the vendors at the Farmer's market
and was cooked with great skill

The hashbrowns were finished
on the grill over coals
while the ham and the lamb
made such flavorful smoke.

The food was all plated
I could hardly wait to eat
the blessing was said
then, my teeth sank into that lamb meat.:chef:;):LOL:

Seriously, I seasoned the lamb steaks early this morning, before going to work, with thyme, salt, granulated garlic, and pepper, nothing fancy. I put them into a plastic zipper bag and stuck them back into the fridge. The asparagus was fresh from the garden, and the hashbrowns were cooked on one side only, then flipped, and finished on the covered grill while the meat cooked for 4 minutes per side. One thing not included in the poem was a freshly made Mornay Sauce to dress the asparagus with. Yeh, you can drool. It was really good. This meal will go into the new cookbook I'm writing. Here's pictures.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North


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Beautiful, Chief!

Loved the poetry too! And I am drooling!
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'Twas the night before Friday
and all through the house
fragrant air was a'swirling
with culinary clout.

The charcoal was laid
in the Webber with care
In hopes that quite soon
ham and lamb were our fare

The hashbrowns were cooking
in cast iron on stove
Asparagus was steaming
wife pinching her nose

Summer squash was completed
in this very tasty meal
that DW and I
would soon eat with zeal

The lamb was divine
and seasoned just right
with thyme, salt, and pepper
vacuum packed just last night

The ham was so tender
and tasty when grilled
from the farmer's market vendor
bellies were to be filled

The hashbrowns were finished
on the grill over coals
while the ham and the lamb
cooked in deep smokey shoals.

The food was all plated
'could hardly wait to eat
the blessing was said
then, my teeth sank in meat.

fork away, knife away, grab all a plate,
dinner is ready, and it's gonna be great!

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North

hey big bro, i did a little pentamic editing.

hope you don't mind.

just ask an irishman to carry a verse.
you could ask someone else, but it'd be that much worse.

ok, i gotta stop now. :cool:
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Ended up with the hot dogs and potato salad. When I re-read the ingredients for the marinade I had found I decided I didn't like it. Still trying to find something other than my usual go-to of olive oil and red wine with a few other things mixed in. Not sure the kebobs will be tomorrow night's dinner at this rate!

Thank you very much. I will tell her. We just fought over who is going the dishes. Yet to have dessert. Just the two of us tonight. Here was the dinner. I went a bit heavy on the home smoked pork belly in the pasta. but, it is sooo good...

Dinner looked delicious! Hope your girl had a very nice night. ;) Psst, if you guys ever break up can I be your girlfriend? I do dishes...
please tell me his name is oompah. ;)

did you thin it out to reduce, what was it, the sodium per serving?
I added 4 ounces(dry weight) of white beans to the 15 ounces of menudo, resulting in 4 portions with a sodium content per portion of 565mg (24% of RDA). Problem is, I ate all four portions and had to put off eating the salad.
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my mom always reheated slices of whatever roast we ate the day before in it's gravy. there was no concern for the rare-to-well-done-ness.

and it was always great. maybe even better.
Looks wonderful :)

'Twas the night before Friday
and all through the house
fragrant air was swirling
giving Longwind culinary clout

The charcoal was laid
in the Webber with care
In hopes that soon
ham and lamb would be seard

The hashbrowns were cooking
in cast iron on the stove
Asparagus was steaming
DW was holding her nose

Summer squash completed
this very tasty meal
that DW and I
would soon eat with zeal

The lamb was divine
and seasoned just right
with thyme, salt and pepper
and vacuum packed last night

The ham was so tender
and tasty when grilled
And all came fresh
from the vendors at the Farmer's market
and was cooked with great skill

The hashbrowns were finished
on the grill over coals
while the ham and the lamb
made such flavorful smoke.

The food was all plated
I could hardly wait to eat
the blessing was said
then, my teeth sank into that lamb meat.:chef:;):LOL:

Seriously, I seasoned the lamb steaks early this morning, before going to work, with thyme, salt, granulated garlic, and pepper, nothing fancy. I put them into a plastic zipper bag and stuck them back into the fridge. The asparagus was fresh from the garden, and the hashbrowns were cooked on one side only, then flipped, and finished on the covered grill while the meat cooked for 4 minutes per side. One thing not included in the poem was a freshly made Mornay Sauce to dress the asparagus with. Yeh, you can drool. It was really good. This meal will go into the new cookbook I'm writing. Here's pictures.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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