What's cooking Friday October 30, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
not sure. we still haven't gone out to dinner, hub has wanted to all week but things keep getting in the way.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we gotta carve pumpkins tonite!!

what about you?
I need to go out and still get a pumpkin!!!!! I have absolutely no idea what we are having for dinner tonight.
not sure. we still haven't gone out to dinner, hub has wanted to all week but things keep getting in the way.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we gotta carve pumpkins tonite!!

what about you?

I need to go out and still get a pumpkin!!!!! I have absolutely no idea what we are having for dinner tonight.

Interesting start to a "What's for Dinner?" thread.
Interesting start to a "What's for Dinner?" thread.
I second that !!! :eek:)~

DH and I are making a lasagna together...mine always turns out dry and hubby says that he knows the trick so it will be fun. Usually I kick him out of the kitchen because he always points out something he thinks I'm doing wrong or putting something in that he doesn't like but I look forward to making it with him tonight.

I still have to get a pumpkin too!!
No pumpkins will have been harmed in the preparation of dinner (or any time) here! LOL. But I do have 6 - 7 dozen pumpkin shaped sugar cookies to make for a harvest festival!

Dinner - hopefully meatloaf with baked potatoes and a veggie. Has to be soft food for me as my mouth/sinus is still killing me. But this meal should do the trick!
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Homemade black bean pizza! Not only is it delicious, but with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese and whole black beans on top, it's a festive orange and black. We usually top this with shredded romaine and we'll probably have one or two of the honey crisps we picked at the orchard on wednesday. I think we'll skip dessert in preparation of the candy fest tomorrow!
It depends on the temperature outside...if it's cool I'll put the oven on for meatloaf. If it's too warm for all that cooking, I'll make something else. ;) Though if it's cool enough for it, I'd really rather make some chicken and dumpling soup. I'll make some cole slaw also...I've got cabbage to use.
I made Baked clams for dinner.


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