What is your weather like right now?

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Did I mention icicles?


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Our icicles above the door can get to 18 ft long...the roof is two stories overlooking my doorway. I'm hoping to convince the landlord we need a canopy or such above the steps.
Doesn't anything over 6 feet constitute a stalactite?

Weatherman still says we're gonna get snow.
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Doesn't anything over 6 feet constitute a stalactite?

Weatherman still says we're gonna get snow.

I need to find the pics of the icicle that was almost 6 foot around at the top and went from the two story roof to the ground. It was amazing and when it let go, we were glad we were 20 feet away.
I need to find the pics of the icicle that was almost 6 foot around at the top and went from the two story roof to the ground. It was amazing and when it let go, we were glad we were 20 feet away.

They are so dangerous. You learn very early never to walk near a building. Always walk on the outside of the sidewalk. In the winter when it is a warm day, you see kids walking to school in the street. It is safer there than on the sidewalk. They know the danger. It sure scares the bejesus out of you when one comes crashing down near you. :angel:
28 degrees, sunny and calm. Sure beats yesterday when it was 14 degrees (felt like -7 with the wind chill), snowing and blowing. I'm glad the sun came out. I did hear a meadowlark this morning singing, so I know spring is here. :cool:
34°F. As the weatherman promised, it started snowing late last night, and continues today. Sigh. My winter aconites are all covered up again, they were so pretty.
We are due to get another storm and snow again tonight, but at least today is sunny.
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