What is your weather like right now?

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Woke up & had to be to work by 6am this morning. It was 0F, brrrr cold. My doors were frozen shut on my car. After some pulling & tugging I finally was able to get it open to warm up the car, after 15 minutes it was bearable. The sun came out today & it got up to 15F it was nice to see some sunshine in SE S.D. We were fortunate to only get a couple of inches of snow. All my family that are either 2 hours NW or 4 hours E ended up with over a foot of snow.
Woke up & had to be to work by 6am this morning. It was 0F, brrrr cold. My doors were frozen shut on my car. After some pulling & tugging I finally was able to get it open to warm up the car, after 15 minutes it was bearable. The sun came out today & it got up to 15F it was nice to see some sunshine in SE S.D. We were fortunate to only get a couple of inches of snow. All my family that are either 2 hours NW or 4 hours E ended up with over a foot of snow.

SB, I remember one day, my girlfirend and I were headed to work. the temp had gone up to 11ºF. Double digits! A perfect excuse to skip work and take the day off. :angel:
SB, I remember one day, my girlfirend and I were headed to work. the temp had gone up to 11ºF. Double digits! A perfect excuse to skip work and take the day off. :angel:
I sure wish that I had that option, it would have been a perfect day to skip, but we had a big appetizer party that had to be made today, for tonight.:angel:
30c already, going to be 37c here today...so yes..in a word...hot!

Have the air con on already, lovely and cool in here :)
Another cold day in the single didgets. it's supposed to warm up to 34F, in SE S.D. ,tomorrow.
We had a damp cold today here along the river. Currently it's 31F. We did have a lovely sunset.
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