What have you had for breakfast lately?

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PrincessFiona60 said:
I had to teach myself to eat in the morning...not easy. I actually felt nauseous even thinking about food until I'd been awake for a few hours. But, my weight loss didn't start until I started eating breakfast.

I saw an episode of Dr. Oz a while back. Bear with me here. He had a traditional Indian Dr. on, who described 3 different body types, the Indian names for the body types, and the menus/ preferences that worked best for each. Mine actually happened to be the one who doesn't need breakfast, should eat lots of protein, and is generally tall, boy-shaped, with broad shoulders. Another body type does better eating carbs (am thinking the more curvy girls), with breakfast, and one other. It totally made sense to me!
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I must be the other one...:LOL::LOL:

I still don't like breakfast, so I cook it once a week and just reheat it every morning. Coffee, Juice and Oatmeal. Rarely varies.
I had a cup of Chobani strawberry yogurt with some fresh blueberries mixed in, a couple of RyeKrisp crackers, and a glass of milk. :) I can't eat a huge meal in the morning, but do try to eat a substantial one.
I have had to force myself to eat breakfast. Like PF, some foods made my stomach turn (peanut butter before 11:30 a.m. is still one of those). The "turning point" for me was getting chickens and having fresh eggs available. I don't know why, but I think the "thrill" of having fresh eggs did it for me. And, I'm in my skinny jeans--because of a Dr. Oz episode where the person talked about the body waking up hungry--had to do with when hormones are regenerated, etc., and that made sense so I've been trying it. And, it is working. Mind you, I am not obese but am over 50 so wanted to make sure I didn't start gaining that belly fat weight one gains after menopause. And, my skinny jeans were uncomfortable--I've had those jeans for about 10 years, so they are my "scale."
Ugh--I'm stuffed-2 eggs on a bed of steamed swiss chard, brown rice cooked with onion, mushroom, parshnips, BC cherries, a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
staff breakfasts-


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