What are you eating Monday August 26, 2019?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Food shopping day.
Brunch was rotisserie chicken and fruit cocktail.


Not quite sure what dinner will be. But I will have a sugar free cherry popsicle.

August 26
I poached a chicken breast in the enchilada sauce I made and put together a small batch of enchiladas for tonight.. Will freeze the remainder of the sauce for another time.. Sides will be Mexican rice and re-fried beans made with bacon fat and Caldo De Tomate for flavor..

Ice cream for later..

I poached a chicken breast in the enchilada sauce I made and put together a small batch of enchiladas for tonight.. Will freeze the remainder of the sauce for another time.. Sides will be Mexican rice and re-fried beans made with bacon fat and Caldo De Tomate for flavor..

Ice cream for later..


Was good.. :yum:


  • Enchilada dinner.jpg
    Enchilada dinner.jpg
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After tonight, my kitchen will be closed for at least three days while the new floors in the house are being installed, and I'll also be offline for the most part until we can get the computer room back up and running again.

I'm going to be grilling some marinated chicken thighs tonight and SC will be making spinach salads and toaster oven Tater Tots.
Had a hankerin' for Swiss steak and decided I would stray from my own recipe created more than 50+ years ago.

Tried Alton Brown's recipe and couldn't be more pleased. A real keeper. I think the only thing I would add/change is to add some chopped green bell peppers to the onion, celery and garlic.

Wonderful looking and sounding dinners. :yum: I had a steamed artichoke (again....love those...), and a small potato salad that I threw together this AM. Strawberries and cantaloupe from the farmer's market for desert.
I made up a large batch of cole slaw. We had hot dogs on homemade wholewheat buns, with all the fixings and cole slaw on the side.
My new friends came over to help me pick up the rest of the wood for my raised bed. They put it on my picnic table - the heavy part of it; now I can edge join it, and put a few coats of solid stain, which I got the same color as my picnic table, to be safe! lol After this, we got down to the important work - cooking!

Actually, I only had the one thing to cook - the okra. Their son brought over another container of dal, which he used some of my peppers in - he's gotten hooked on those things! This was just reheated I made a cucumber pachadi earlier - similar to a raita, but with a kick to it. And a bhindi masala - a spicy, stir-fried okra dish, which I cooked the onion, ginger, and garlic earlier, so I could finish it quickly. Here's a photo of the okra added about a minute before, and the finished dish:
Bhindi masala, or spiced okra, stir-fried, with okra just added. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished bhindi masala, after stir-frying for about 10 minutes. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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It was really hot today -- 102F. I don't know what the heat index was, but going outside just zapps the energy from you. I had no interest in cooking outside, and didn't want to do anything in the kitchen that would fight with the air conditioners (which have been working hard today).

So, just grazing. Cheddar on Triscuit crackers for an appetizer. I had some hot dogs that I nuked, and then used the Searsall to brown them up. It was basically the same as dogs cooked on a gas grill. Some toasted English Muffins with butter and real maple syrup for a late evening snack.

Tomorrow, a strong chance of rain and t-storms, and a forecasted high of 88F. WOOHOO!!!

casey, you're going to need a jacket when you go out tomorrow! If I had to deal with your heat and humidity, I think we'd have ice cream sundaes as supper every day. :pig:

I poached a chicken breast in the enchilada sauce I made and put together a small batch of enchiladas for tonight...
Ross! Good to see you! I knew you were eating, but I also knew you were busy with the LL World Series. Were you happy with the winner? Or do you just watch it for seeing the sheer joy the kids play with?

:chef::yum: CG, that looks better than the one I made!
Thanks, Cheryl. I'm sure yours was still delicous. I want to make clear that even though you can't see any lettuce, there is a huge pile at the bottom of all the toppings. Seriously!

Dang, I forgot about the avocado in the fruit drawer...
Forgot to take something out.... Lucky Me !
Easy Dinner !

Hot Dogs, Air Fries, Field Peas with some Lefty Green Beans, Simple Salad...

Hot Dog Dinner.jpg
Ross! Good to see you! I knew you were eating, but I also knew you were busy with the LL World Series. Were you happy with the winner? Or do you just watch it for seeing the sheer joy the kids play with?

Thank you CG..

I'm always happy with whatever team wins and think of them all as winners..
That in bold is the best part of the LLWS, to me.. Love the kids.. :)

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