Turkey Stuffing? Your Fave

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Which turkey recipe would be better

  • asian style turkey with fried rice

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • traditional turkey with bread crumb stuffing

    Votes: 30 88.2%

  • Total voters
Personally neither appeal to me. Not much on stuffed turkeys. Never have really been a big fan of turkey until we started smoking and frying them.

We do have a grilling recipe for a turkey tenderloin that is pretty good.
I do! I'm always interested in stuffings.

Like my grandma, I always do my stuffing in a separate pan. I love that crispy crust with the moist center.
with all this stuffing talk, luckily I had some for dinner tonight with chicken...was a corn meal stuffing...savory and oh so good.
I love the traditional Thanksgiving fare - ESPECIALLY the stuffing that is cooked in the bird. You have to be careful, but you have to be careful with poultry anyway. That's why they make those nice thermometers - so you don't have to be so worried. We've made them carefully for all of my years and have never had a hint of trouble. The stuffing is far tastier cooked in the bird.

I must agree with Blue Cat - I'm a traditionalist - and in more than 30 years of cooking stuffed turkeys I've never had even a tiny problem. Of course I've never stuffed the bird the night before as I've heard many people do and the dressing is removed from the bird completely before serving - usually the carcas frozen until I have time to do soup.

When it comes to stuffing I'm a purist - no sausage - but I do add apples, water chestnuts, pecans, raisins or Craisins.

When my Dad was alive I always made a separate pan of oyster dressing just for him. That's proof you can cook stuff you don't like!:angel:
I like my stuffing as "dressing" and made from cornbread, celery, onions, eggs and served with gravy - without giblets. I don't ever stuff the turkey. I'm not sure it is safe and I don't like the idea of eating something from the inside of a bird. I'm roasting a turkey now to eat cold on Labor day with potato salad, green veggie, relish tray and some kind of really good bread. Don't know what dessert will be.
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