Turkey Day - What's REALLY on your table, Nov. 28, 2013?

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Big day for a lot of folks here on DC.

We're having rosemary-roasted Cornish hens, wild rice-walnut-cranberry stuffing, praline yams (thank you, bakechef), bourbon cranberry sauce, fresh whole green beans, mashed taters, gravy, potato rolls, iced tea and, yum, pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

That ought to do it!!

What's on your table?
I'm not allowed to diverge too much from the traditional 1950's Thanksgiving table but I did spatchcock my bird. Other then that it's mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, glazed carrots, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. We are going to have a lot of leftovers. At least I am allowed to be creative with them.
Italian seasoned turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, bun stuffing.
Oh, and yesterday someone brought me some homemade pumpkin cookies that are out of this world. They will be dessert.
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Shrek is making a pickle and olive tray right now...he wanted to know where it was, I told him it was in the cans and jars...:LOL:
And it looked something like this.


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No table shots, here...the birds are in the toaster oven, everything is ready to go in the last 20 minutes of cooking. I'll be feeding the cats, soon, they think every time I go out in the kitchen it's time for their food.
Had a casserole -- rotini, turkey chunks, and broccoli cuts in an alfredo sauce. Dinner rolls with a garlic butter brush. Son is having teeth trouble and was very happy with the tender little pieces. Chocolate cream pie for dessert, with a can of that whizzy cream for on top.
Cornish Game Hen, stuffing with gravy, cranberry sauce and steamed garlic and herb spinach. There will be pie for dessert, a bit later. Shrek's differed only by the inclusion of <shudder> steamed cauliflower.


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Cheese & crackers, deviled eggs, olive plate, ham, stuffing, mac salad, corn, potatoes au gratin, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and cranberry no-crust pie.

*pats belly*
I had plans to do absolutely nothing. Little did I know. Ended up with full 3 coarse meal. Plus dessert. Too tired.
Not Thanksgiving here. I made frikadeller and served it with fusilli tossed with leftover pesto, and pickled beets. The frikadeller were particularly good today. I watched a Danish video on how to fry them. It helped.
We had turkey, stuffing, cranberry, gravy, pilaf, mashed potatoes, butternut squash, asparagus with hollandaise, green beans, red and white wines, cider. For dessert, apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin roll, pecan cookie balls, egg nog cookies, anise cookies, vanilla ice cream and coffee. I think that's all.
I thought I was going out for dinner which is our usual, but instead I've been in bed most of the week with who knows what. I've had the flu shot. I'm missing out on helping with a huge holiday event that I love preparing for. Rats! Anyway, my husband picked up a Costco chicken pot pie, I had a container of fresh cranberry sauce and a spaghetti squash. Into the oven went the pot pie, the squash and a big fat sweet potato. I made sort of a dressing for the squash with honey (the real stuff with bits of comb included), butter and ground ginger and it was very OK. A nearby cookie factory makes fresh Parker house rolls during the holiday so he crabbed a package of those. Our son came and that was it. It was a good as it could be.
I wish I had one of the cream puffs.
I can't take credit for much of today's meal. We were at my SIL's so it was really her table. We had roast turkey, ham, dressing, spiced cranberries, asparagus, marinated mushrooms, and several different types of bread.

For some reason I've always been tasked with bringing cheesy potatoes. Mind you it's not anything I ever make at home, but it started one year when my young nephew mentioned it was his favorite. So I made it for him the way my mom used to make it, using frozen potatoes and a mornay sauce. It went over so well it's become a tradition instead of mashed potatoes and gravy.
My daughter's son and his girlfriend decided to cook the whole meal today. They bought all the food including the seasonings. They went on a hunt and found Alton' Brown's Thanksgiving dinner. Printed out all the recipes and made the whole dinner on their own. They ran into one problem. The directions for AB's turkey was not for the same weight as the turkey as the kids had bought. It is a good thing I arrived at the house when I did. The first thing I noticed was the blood running from the turkey. Lesson #1 in how to tell if a fowl is cooked properly. Back into the oven to finish cooking. They brined it and it certainly was juicy. I also showed them a shortcut for making a pan of gravy. They were a little confused on making a roux. I showed them the trick on placing the flour in a jar with water and some Gravy Master and shaking like mad until it was all combined. Pour into pan drippings slowly stirring constantly until thickened. The gravy turned out delicious and perfect. So they learned two lessons learned that weren't on AB's site. They still don't get the salt and pepper in the palm of the hand. That will come with years of experience. The named it "Grandma's Way."

All in all, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and the sausage stuffing were very good. They get an A-. Their first holiday meal. My daughter said she will never have to cook another holiday meal.

I will hear about the pumpkin cheesecake tomorrow. Everyone was too full for dessert. When my SIL brought home the CC from my house, I had cut out a piece for The Pirate. Everyone had accused SIL of cutting out a piece before anyone had even seen it. He has a very bad reputation for a massive sweet tooth and can never wait. I had to save the day for him. I told the truth.

My granddaughter? Don't get me started. :angel:
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