Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - What's on your table?

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
I picked eggplant from the garden and used my garden's cherry tomatoes to make an eggplant-based pasta dish. It has ground beef and other things that roast for over an hour. Easy to make and pretty yummy. From the original recipe, I changed it by adding spices, mushrooms, etc. One could swap out most everything - except the eggplant. ;)

We had planned over stir fry (steamed) over veggie rice, just like yesterday. Dessert, more crustless pumpkin pie this time I had it with canned cranberries.
Made some carrot-apple-pineapple slaw to put under my fermented 9 grain flakes tomorrow. Made caesar salad dressing, walnut based. Making 3 qts of black beans from 4 cups dried, for future meals.
First try with the new oven - there is definitely a learning curve! Things that I normally do don't work the same at 900F. I love caramelized onions on a pizza, but since they are already cooked, they burned. I usually par-cook pepperoni to remove some of the grease, but that made the pepperoni burn too. Mushrooms worked well, as did the cheese. But as I was watching the toppings burn, I pulled the pie from the oven - it was a little too soon, The crust could have used a little more time. The whole thing took just over a minute - next time I'll change the toppings and do a minute & a half.

It wasn't too bad for a first try.
I picked eggplant from the garden and used my garden's cherry tomatoes to make an eggplant-based pasta dish. It has ground beef and other things that roast for over an hour. Easy to make and pretty yummy. From the original recipe, I changed it by adding spices, mushrooms, etc. One could swap out most everything - except the eggplant. ;)

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Yum! Would love the recipe.
Thought up a new dish with stuff I had left in my fridge- groceries are coming tomorrow. So I made pasta with a sauce of spinach, pumpkin and pesto and it turned out really well. My husband got it topped with prawns (his favorite topping) and I with a burrata (my favorite) so we were both happy.

Of course! The start of the idea is not mine, but the changes have been!
Because of the way Copy Me That makes sure that copyright law isn't violated, we can't see the directions or the notes section, even though you may have modified it. Heck, we can't even see any ingredients. This is what I see:


If you want to share it with your changes, you will have to write out the recipe again with the directions in your words. When I type up a recipe that I have modified, I mention in the description where the inspiration is from.
TL, I see this:


Here’s the link to the recipe

Wow....disappointing, but yeah, that was the origin of the recipe. Not showing a modified recipe is simply disappointing. My apologies.

I was sure that people could see them with the link. At least they showed you my picture!!!
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